Without question, this is the best Beatles discography in the world that I have encountered and only 500 copies of this 2009 book are in existence. This book sold out so fast that it was one of the rare Beatles-related book titles that I missed out on its initial sales pitch. I was only to discover the book much later and spent over a year trying to find a copy reasonably priced which I eventually did.
That really is a shame as more people should be privy to the wonderful worldwide research that the author Joachim Noske undertook to create this volume of nearly 800 pages. Housed in a slipcase that has the same cover as the book, with full-color photographs provided throughout this masterwork. It must have been incredibly expensive for Mr. Noske to produce this title and why he may be reticent to produce an updated version of the book.
As a Beatles book collector who also terms himself as a completist, discographies pose one major problem to me personally. First of all, I only collect print media and not digital copies of a book, so electronic updates of new material do not interest me. Secondly, the problem with discographies, even the BEST ONES, is that they become immediately out-of-date when a new release by the artist is issued. So you may be holding a valuable reference work in your hand with the excellent discography that you have, but in a few years, if the record company keeps mining their archives with additional releases, your book becomes more and more incomplete.
However, the slight criticism I expressed above does not discount or diminish the special beauty of this wonderful book and the incredible amount of time it must have taken Mr. Noske to produce it. Two kind associates who I met on Facebook that live in Israel, brought the knowledge of this book to my attention and I will always be grateful to them for doing so!
The Beatles Covered Discography
The back cover of both the slipcase and the actual book:
The Beatles Covered Discography
The German publisher of this stunning 2009 Beatles discography:
The signature of Mr. Noske on the book’s foreword of my copy #326 of the 500 copies
The credits and copyright information for the book:
The Table of Contents of this wonderful book is provided to show you the wide scope of the work undertaken by Mr. Noske:
Table of Contents (Part 2):
A wonderful sampling of the beautiful colors you are exposed to when you open the book:
A photo of the spine and binding of this enormous and heavy volume of nearly 800 pages:
Mr. Noske’s book Introduction where he explains the scope of his discography:
One sample page from his book:
Hope you enjoyed this piece about the world’s best Beatles Discography. One of the questions as a result of this book is: In the future when the surviving Beatles are no longer here and maybe 20 or so years after they have passed, will someone attempt to produce a complete and thorough worldwide Beatles discography?
I know the answer to my second question to that is: If they do, I am certain it will only be a digital-only copy…..LOL!!!
Here are photos of the covers of my complete collection of Paul and Linda’s Club Sandwich, their Fan Club magazine which started printing in 1977 and ended with Linda’s passing with issue #86 in the 90’s. Two of the issues are double issues. The issues are not presented in this post in chronological or numeric order. Most of this post will be comprised of the covers of the issues in my collection. Occasionally a comment or observation will be added to fill in a possible interesting detail for your consumption. Hope you will enjoy it!
Being a subscribing member of this club was a lot of fun and it had many advantages to be a member as choice tickets for McCartney concerts were often made available to fans through the club. I got to see a McCartney rehearsal in a small theater in NY as a result of being a member. I was also able, through the club, to get tickets to see Paul present a playing of his “Run Devil Run” album in a personal appearance, once again in a small NY venue. I stood there while Paul gave his promotional speech about the album and he was about 10 feet away as he talked about how important early rock ‘n’ roll was to him. I was standing on crutches as I had broken my leg several days earlier but that certainly was not going to stop me from getting to see Paul McCartney!!! As a member, we also were able to receive special treats like being able to obtain copies of Paul’s Russian LP.
Hopefully, this post will serve as a good reference point for those who may collect this magazine and are missing or are looking for specific issues. At least you will know what is on the cover….
(These are all copies from my personal collection and are shown for informational and educational purposes only under fair use) Special thanks to my daughteer Erin who took the photos of the covers for her dad which was a time consuming process indeed!
Issue #9
Club Sandwich – Number 9
Issue #10
Issue #11
Issue #7
Issue #3
Issue #8
Issue #6
Issue #5
Issue #4
Issue #1 (Features the standup bass played on the Elvis recording of Heartbreak Hotel which Linda McCartney obtained as a gift to Paul)
Issue #12
Issue #2
Issue #14
Issue #15
Issue #13
Issue #21An issue that deals with Paul’s fascination with Buddy Holly which he hosted many tribute shows for over the years. He also owns the publishing rights to most of Buddy’s songs! Smart businessman-that Paul!
Issue #20Linda is featured for the wonderful animated feature of her song, “Seaside Woman.”
Issue #19
Issue #17
Issue #18
Issue #16
Issue #22
Issue #23 Linda and Paul’s tribute issue to John
Issue #26
Issue #24Two Musical Giants-Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder!
Issue #25
Issue #27
Issue #63
Issue #65
Issues #47 and #48 (double issue)
Issue #67
Issue #66
Issue #62
Issue #50
Issue #49
Issue #53
Issue #52
Issues #37 and #38 (double issue)
Issue #51
Issue #43
Issue #39
Issue #40
Issue #42
Issue #41
Issue #44
Issue #31
Issue #30
Issue #29
Issue #46
Issue #28
Issue #45
Issue #33
Issue #35
Issue #36
Issue #32
Issue #81
Issue #34
Issue #82
Issue #86 (The final issue of the magazine following Linda’s passing from cancer)
Issue #68
Issue #83
Issue #84
Issue #85
Issue #73
Issue #71
Issue #70
Issue #72
Issue #74
Issue #69
Issue #78
Issue #80
Issue #77
Issue #76
Issue #79
Issue #75
Issue #60
Issue #61
Issue #59
Issue #58
When Beatles book author Mark Lewisohn worked for the Club Sandwich magazine, he ran a contest inviting subscribers to submit questions to Paul. I submitted a question that I had been alerted to by reading Mark’s “The Beatles Recording Sessions” book. The book quickly mentioned an unreleased McCartney track that he had recorded in the studio back in 1968 and then took the recording home, provided to him by the engineer. The track was called “Etcetera.” Supposedly the track was written for Marianne Faithfull.
I submitted the question to the magazine about the track and I was surprised to see the question was chosen for publication in one of the Club Sandwich issues.
Here is a photo of the question I asked and Paul’s response.
Many learned Beatle authorities speculate that the melody for Thingumybob was actually Etcetera without the lyrics.
Prior to the 86 issues of the Club Sandwich, Paul had an early version of the magazine. I only have a few issues of this magazine and here are a few examples. I acquired Issue #1 shown below a while back:This is an original of the first issue. There is a vendor on Ebay that I have seen is offering reproductions of the some of the original issues at a reduced price. I would consider getting all of the older pre-Club Sandwich issues if I could find them at a reasonable price…
This is Issue #2
A special 1975 UK Tour issue which I acquired a while back:
Storing Club Sandwiches
Storage problems were the biggest problem of having all of these issues because the Club Sandwiches were so large, they needed to be kept in a box and they needed to be protected by plastic to prevent yellowing of the early newspaper-like issues. The various sizes of the issues was another hinderance. The content though was always first class and interesting and I genuinely miss not receiving a new issue in the mail!!!
Did you subscribe to Club Sandwich? Did you have a favourite issue? Let me know.
This beautiful book, “Double Fantasy”, was put together as a collaborative effort between the photographer Kishin Shinoyama and Yoko Ono. Kishin Shinoyama took the Double Fantasy album cover photograph. It was Yoko Ono who requested the photographer to photograph and create the gorgeous 174-page limited edition book “Double Fantasy” for Taschen Publications.
I know this post will generate some controversy as I will probably receive comments about the high cost of the book and will be questioned about the wisdom of posting books that are not affordable to many of the potential people interested in obtaining a copy. I can understand that frustration as most Beatles-related book collectors who see a book they may wish to acquire, yet they can not afford, can cause anger and great disappointment in some.
That is why with books such as this, I wish the publishers could work out an arrangement with the respective estates to also print a much more economical version of the book so that more people can add the book to their respective collections and enjoy the wonderful photos as a result. The other side of the issue would state that high-quality photography is very expensive to produce in a limited edition book and therefore the high cost is justified. I just wish a happy medium could be reached in order to satisfy all those who would have interest in the title.
Nevertheless, I will always be grateful that I was able to afford the book at its release. Now that I am retired, I am not so sure that I could do that anymore. In any case, I am happy that I was fortunate enough to add this beautiful book of photos to my collection!
This is the slipcase containing the 2014 Double Fantasy book:
My copy of this gorgeous book is number 522 which Yoko may possibly see as a good number as the digits 5 + 2+2=9. It is just a numerology supposition on my part…LOL! I tried to obtain copy #1980 (the last numbered and signed copy) for my collection when I purchased my copy, but they could not assign specific copies to purchasers.
Both Yoko and the photographer signed this book and the signatures appear below…
Double Fantasy John Lennon & Yoko Ono – signed copy
The actual cover of the book contained within the beautiful slipcase:
Double Fantasy Cover with John Lennon & Yoko Ono
The spine of the book:
Some biographical information about Kishin Shinoyama on Wikipedia. Mr. Shinoyama was to pass away in January of 2024.
Have you ever expressed any kind of resentment towards fellow collectors who may have been fortunate enough to be able to acquire a Beatles-related item that you were not able to afford at the time of the item’s release? If so, what is the main reason for the feeling of resentment? Is it mainly held towards the publisher, the artist or the actual fan who shells out the funds?
Let me know in the comments below.
More Books About John Lennon at the Beatles Bookstore
The Applejacks were an English beat group from the 1960s. They had a strange classification as a “Brumbeat” group which translates, according to Wikipedia, as being from the West Midlands -Birmingham area of the UK. They also had the distinction of being the first band from that area to have a top ten UK single in the UK singles charts. Another unusual feature for the band (at that time in history) was having a female bass player.
The Applejacks met the Beatles during rehearsals for a television appearance where Lennon and McCartney provided the group with a song which was to be their second single entitled “Like Dreamers Do.”
“Tell Me When”, their first single, was released in February 1964 (something else very important also happened that month in the US as well) and “Tell Me When” got to the No. 7 position on the UK singles chart.
“Like Dreamers Do” only reached #20 on the UK singles charts, however. Other than the Decca audition Beatles version of the song, the Beatles were never were to officially record a studio version of the song for their own EMI/Capitol label.
The cover of the Applejacks CD compilation disk that I recently purchased on eBay!
Original Applejacks band member signatures that I recently acquired on eBay:
Al Jackson-lead vocals(left the band in 1966)
Martin Baggott-lead guitar
Don Gould-piano
Phil Cash-rhythm guitar
Gerry Freeman-drums–(left 1967)
Megan Davies-bass guitar
It must be noted that this was not the only band configuration of the group.
2 New members were to join the band when two of the original members, Al Jackson and Gerry Freeman, left the group. The band finally went their separate ways in 1967.
Paul Willetts-drums (joined 1967)
John Washington –lead vocal (joined 1966)
These are the signatures of the original 6 members of the band, which I used as a bookplate for my copy of their hardcover biography by Andrew Phillips!
Applejacks Signatures
The great Cherry Red label put together this special compilation CD of much of the Applejacks recorded material for the Decca label. It’s interesting to see that not only Lennon/McCartney provided a song to them but also Ray Davies of the Kinks. Copies of this CD are available both on Ebay and on Discogs, the record seeking search service for collectors.
The Applejacks including Like Dreamers Do
Saw this wonderful link by Malcolm Drew on YouTube which presents the Applejacks at the BBC:
In the past, I have stated clearly that some of my favorite books about the Beatles era are books that fill in lesser-known information about Beatles-related activities and about the other artists who may have interacted with them. I especially love stories about singers or groups that the Beatles gave away some of their early songwriting efforts too. This is particularly true about songs that the Beatles themselves never got the chance or had the desire to record in the studio during the Capitol/EMI time frame.
Here is a book that fits the bill of my description above:
Andrew Phillip’s book about the Applejacks: “Like Dreamers Do”Self-published on the 3rd ofMarch,2023. The book was published with the complete cooperation and help of the original Applejack members.
I was recently able to secure the last hardcopy version of his book. Andrew still has softcover edition copies available athis website:
The front cover of the sold-out hardcover edition of the book:
Like Dreamers Do – The Story of the Applejacks
The back cover of the book which features some fascinating questions:
Like Dreamers Do – The Story of the Applejacks
The author’s signature in my copy of the book:
The is a great book to acquire if you want to learn more about early 1960’s UK beat groups and the trials and tribulations of being a musical group during those times. It was an exciting time but it also involved a lot of hard work and travelling. Andrew did a fantastic job with this title and he has greatly enhanced and expanded our knowledge of this band and their relationship to Beatles history!
Nigel Pearce’s interview with the band:
The November 24th program of Groove Britain features Nigel Pearce’s excellent interview with the Applejacks. Click on the link provided below and scroll down until you see the November 24th, 2024 program. I do not know how long this program will be available at the link below but you can contact Nigel Pearce at redleadernigel@hotmail.co.uk if you have trouble locating the Applejacks interview which also features the author of the Applejacks book, Andrew Phillips!
The Decca 45 of the Applejacks version of the Lennon/McCartney “Like Dreamers Do” number appears below. Only recently did I acquire this item for the collection. You may notice a couple of familiar names on the label (shown below).
One was Mike Smith who with Dick Rowe were part of the decision-making team allegedly that was to decline the Beatles a recording contract based on their Decca audition in Jan of 1962. The other name Mike Leander was the man who was to eventually do the string arrangement for “She’s Leaving Home” on the Sgt. Pepper LP when George Martin was not available for the session when Paul wanted to have the arrangement done. He asked Mike Leander to do it and as a result George Martin later felt hurt that Paul had asked Leander to do the string arrangement for the song.
To me it is also very ironic that one of the men who was involved in the production side of the failed Decca audition of the Beatles was producing a song that the actual writers of the song had performed at that famous Beatles audition. Like Dreamers Do was one of the 15 numbers that the Beatles had performed for Decca in Jan of 1962. Do you think that Mike Smith was ever caught reflecting on that moment and asking himself “what if” we had signed the Beatles?
This is a picture of my copy of the “Like Dreamers Do” 45. I bought it primarily as an example of irony, seeing Mike Smith’s name on the song the Beatles performed at the 1962 audition and Decca being the label that turned the group down. Also bought it for the connection Mike Leander had with the “She’s Leaving Home” Sgt. Pepper track.
I also love to collect obscure cover versions of Beatles-authored songs!
It is great to see that the Applejacks did a great version of the song!
Fate can certainly be fickle and strange!!!
Like Dreamers Do – by The Applejacks
A performance picture of the the band that appears under the discography listing for the Applejacks at Discogs:
Andrew Phillips, who wrote the book shown above about the Applejacks, has recently collaborated with blog administrator David Bedford, on a new Beatles book to be issued in the spring of 2025. “What If” we wait to tell you what the premise of that book is going to be? You will be both startled and pleased!!!
Ruth and Angie McCartney are quite the family duo. Actually, I mean trio, as Ruth’s husband, Martin Nethercutt is also an integral part of the Three Musketeers coterie and their Online McCartney media ventures. Ruth of course is Paul McCartney’s step-sister and the daughter of Angie McCartney who married Paul’s father, Jim McCartney in 1964. Ruth was with her dear step-dad Jim, when he passed away in 1976.
I have never met either Angie or Ruth but I have corresponded with them via email multiple times in the last couple of years. You certainly can tell they have roots in Liverpool with their sharp wits and sometimes cutting to the bone Scouse sense of humor (humour).
Though not stated directly by either of them, they both exhibit a toughness to handle adversity and it seems clear from what I observe from various reports of their story, that life wasn’t always a bowl of cherries to them. Yet, they are resilient and even though they appear Online quite frequently, in some respects they also have a very private side and are reticent to share information that they believe should not be shared with the information-obsessed world in which we live.
First – a little background about Ruth from several video sources. Hope you enjoy these videos:
This is the program on every Tuesday co-hosted by Angie and Ruth McCartney which I encourage you to visit or subscribe to on YouTube. You can learn of the ladies book activities, Angie’s tea products, and their multitude of other business and cultural ventures that are discussed. In addition, you will be thoroughly entertained by their numerous well-known guests. They interview the guests in a pleasant family-living room sit-down type atmosphere. Laughs and smiles are plentiful. This particular interview gives some basic general information about the dynamic and very active duo of Angie and Ruth (Here are a few samples of their Teaflix programs)
Before I detail a couple of musical recordings that I purchased of Ruth McCartney, I need to preface the discussion with the observation that it takes much courage to even make an attempt to create music for any public consumption when your step-brother happens to be the most successful musician in recorded history. No matter what you attempt in the field of music, it is always going to be compared with or held up to for people to pass judgement on. The same type of judgement occurred when Julian Lennon began his recording career in 1984. Later on in life, he found a photography niche as his ticket to freedom and independent artistry, reducing the pointed fingers of the critics and the comparisons as he excelled in another field no longer being constantly compared with his dad.
Ruth, along with her mom Angie and husband Martin Nethercutt have created McCartney Multimedia, Inc., a full service digital company which deals with such matters as web design and social media strategy. Their website can detail these matters in far greater detail and clarity than I can:
In true McCartney style, all three aforementioned people- Ruth, Angie and Martin are true workaholics. Martin Nethercutt is a talented composer and musician and he significantly strives to assist to help in the successful completion and implementation of Ruth’s and Angie’s video projects.
It is often overwhelming to see all of the business activities they are intertwined with. We wish them well with all of their business ventures.
A couple of years ago I became aware of and then purchased this 1990’s cd-EP and cd-LP by Ruth McCartney and I am so happy that I did!!! Found them both at the wonderful vinyl/ cd search service known as Discogs!
Ruth’s tribute to her step-dad, Jim McCartney entitled “I Will Remember You”, is truly a beautiful heartfelt track.
I thoroughly enjoyed both the EP and LP. Check it out. The recordings are available at Discogs and occasionally on eBay.
The cd I have seen listed primarily at Discogs which is a primary source for finding this wonderful European recording.
Ruth McCartney had quite the musical following in Russia and I would like to present two videos of her performing numbers in Moscow:
A wonderful video of Ruth singing a beautiful song in Moscow
This was my first purchase of a Ruth McCartney musical project-it was her EP taken from the “I Will Always Remember You LP. Both the EP and LP that I purchased were manufactured in Germany.
Ruth McCartney
Ruth McCartney
This is the LP. I was fascinated by the range of styles evident on this release. Ruth is obviously a multi-talented person.
Her talents include being a good businesswoman, a multimedia pioneer, a fine singer, a great marketer and a dedicated and loyal daughter to her wonderful mom, Angie! She is amusing, clever and possesses a keen mocking sense of humor which resonates with so many of us when we view her and Angie’s Teaflix programs on YouTube!
If you have not been exposed to Ruth’s musical part of her career, I strongly encourage you to check it out!!!
The Ruth McCartney CD/LP “I Will Always Remember You.”
Ruth McCartney
Track List For Ruth’s LP-I Will Always Remember You
Overnight Success
Dr. Ruth
I Will Always Remember You
Livin It Up
Kidnap Your Heart
Forever In Love
Island Fever
Young Boy
Don’ Ax Me, Jus’ Fax Me
Real Man
Swimming Pool Music
Closing Beatles-related comments: Most of you are probably aware that is was through Ruth’s early years of playing the piano that she assisted in providing the inspiration to the creation of one of the most well-known Beatles songs at the end of their Abbey Road LP. When Paul was visiting , at the piano there was the sheet music of a 500-year-old lullaby by Thomas Dekker entitled “Golden Slumbers”. Paul came over to the piano saw the sheet music and it served to be the lyrical inspiration to a melody that he had been working on ended up as one of the most famous Beatles tunes/songs that Paul closes many of his shows with even today! Thank you Ruth for providing that inspiration!
Paperback version of the book with additions from the first volume:
Beatles landmarks with QR codes to enhance the book portrayal of these locations:
This is one of their titles that I still need to get. I’ll bet I could write a few Liverpool Limericks myself, though they would never reach the publication stage because of some very obvious risky linguistic reasons….LOL!
A fabulous limited edition book of 1,001 copies (Special thanks are attributable to the Arabian Nights for their inspiration).
I was fortunate enough to secure copy #1,001 for my personal collection! This book is excellent not only for the digital artwork and the beautiful cover, but also for the many stories that are now preserved for future generations!
A lovely cover designed by SHANNON. The book features stories about Ruth and Angie’s encounters with many well-known people revolving around the Beatles phenomenon!
An excellent site where you can purchase several of the Ruth and Angie McCartney book titles:
A brand new Angie McCartney book detailing the very long history of Tea.This book is available to purchase at the link above:
A brand new Ruth McCartney cookbook which is available to purchase at the Mrs. McCartney’s Teas site noted just above:This book cover reminds me of Alice in Wonderland
Let us not leave Martin Nethercutt, Ruth’s husband out of this discussion of The Three Musketeers known as Angie Ruth and Martin. Please explore this link to this amazing 10-year musical project of Martin….You will be amazed by this ambitious musical and video project currently in process:
Final thoughts on the subject:(in my humble opinion, this needs to be said)
Any highly recognizable surnames which have such worldwide recognition status like the name McCartney carry certain heavy weights and chains to shoulder. No matter what you attempt to do if you are not the person of immense worldwide fame, you are always compared or judged that you may be using the name to further your own interests. My point is….so what! You judge the quality of any piece of work in life based on it’s inherent quality. If the name helps in the recognition of the brand you are promoting, you would be a fool not to use it.
The name of the brand may help to sell the product initially, but unless the product being sold or promoted has merit and is worthwhile based on the buyer’s individual set of pros and cons, the brand name then becomes secondary in the overall decision-making process. There are too many closet critics who never created anything of their own accord in their own lives and therefore they elevate their own sense of self-esteem by degrading the motivations and accomplishments of others.
This has always been a pet-peeve of mine when a product is released by a relative of a celebrity. I congratulate Ruth, Angie and Martin for their courageous approach to all of their undertakings. I currently do not yet have all of the books shown above, but I do have most of them, and I do have plans to acquire the balance of them in the near-future!
Be healthy and be happy!
Your Mother Should Know
Your Mother Should Know is the second book from Dr. McCartney, who published her first, My Long and Winding Road, in 2013. Now 90 years old, she shows no signs of slowing down. Her latest work is a collection of often hilarious and always heartfelt quips, memories, lifehacks, salty one-liners and witty observations. Along for the ride is McCartney’s ever-loyal and equally saucy daughter Ruth, who, as a young child greeted her future stepbrother Paul at their first meeting with “I know who you are! You’re on my cousin’s wallpaper.”
Welcome to another JPGR Hodgepodge post of various items in the Beatles collection:
I bought this beautiful framed John and Julian photo on eBay a few years ago. I loved that Julian also signed it.
This is one of those photos that has both a happy and sad connotation.
When I look at this photo, however, I would prefer to smile…
Bought this reproduction on Ebay of a Beatles in Paris souvenir program: Interesting to note that the Beatles early concert appearance in France had a primarily male audience. That may have been due to some of the other acts featured on the bill for those performances…
A sample page from the souvenir book as the Beatles shop for postcards in Paris:
The back cover of the reproduction souvenir program that was acquired from eBay:
A wonderful photo of three of the Beatles taken in India by Pattie Boyd. Pattie kindly inscribed the photo to me:
I featured the Layla photo below in another blog post and I call this framed piece in my collection “The Muse.” It features a signed Abbey Road LP, signed by Pattie Harrison (a rarer signature than Pattie Boyd) with the song title that George Harrison reportedly wrote for her entitled “Something.” This is followed by her signature, Patti Boyd and the song title “Layla” written in her hand featuring the pre-printed song lyrics to the song that Eric Clapton wrote for Pattie. These two pieces together show the unususal complicated relatisonship of the three parties in question. This item holds a special place in my collection!
Certificate of authenticity of the 2 signed items on the back of the frame:
This is one of those unusual items that I purchased on eBay several years ago. It is a box set of a magazine and two Beatles prints. The item remains sealed to this day! That is one of the embarrassing factors about amassing a large collection over the years. If the collection becomes too large, you often miss the opportunity to enjoy it all!
Despite the potentially morbid title, I love the independently produced books like this. Clive Nelson’s research details the Beatles appearance at Northwich Victory Memorial Hall in the UK. Love these type of books as I enjoy them as selective snapshots of a part of the Beatles story: To purchase a copy of this book e-mail the author at clivethebeatle@aol.com. Not a Beatles book per se. but they are on the cover and they did perform at the venue in question!
Back cover of the book:
The Introduction of the book:
Fascinated with a lot of the cover stories of the Beatles in UK magazines over the years: This magazines is from 2001…
Love this cover of BAM magazine from the West Coast of the USA which discusses the use of music industry advertising: Bought this isuue on Ebay!
Love this rare Australian magazine from November of 1967 and the unusual photo of Mr. Lennon. As the years have gone by, I enjoyed acquiring English language magazines from around the world featuring the Beatles or at least one of them on the cover…
When I purchased this magazine on eBay, I was intrigued by the comment on the bottom of the front cover of the magazine:
TV Guide, around the time of the appearance of the Peter Jackson Get Back documentary, did an issue with a dual cover from Nov 22, 2021. Being a Beatles fan it is the Beatles cover that attracted me to purchase the magazine:
This was the true front cover of the magazine but being a Beatles fan, you know which cover I preferred of this issue…LOL!
A specialty issue of TV Guide dealing with the greatest Television appearances of the band-Published in 2022:
A combination of a Bulletin Magazine issue with a Newsweek cover published in 2005:
Though Dan Matovina has written the best Badfinger book, this one by Robert Day-Webb, I added to my book collection in my periodic search for books of interest on Amazon UK. Personally enjoyed this title very much!
Enjoyed this hardcover book about the world’s most famous recording studio!
Back Cover of the book:
A few words of info on the fly-leaf:
The author’s signature on his work:
Because there are so many Beatles-related books on the market, many are not as well known as others because they are not afforded the exposure of authors with greater reputations and a number of other issues. Obviously some books are better in quality than others, that issue cannot be disputed, but part of my role on this blog is to make people aware of the other books that are out there in the marketplace. The sheer number of Beatles-related books out there is simply amazing. Some of them are critically worthwhile, as most people would say.
Others may not be, but only the reader can truly decide for themselves. Part of my motivation for collecting multiple books on the same subject is to make my own personal qualitative assessment as to what is of merit to any specific title and if there are items of saving grace to those titles that do not quite make the grade! Sometimes I may dislike a book for it’s text and yet it may contain a few rare photos not available elsewhere which serve as its saving grace. The final test of merit for me is if I can learn something that I previously did not know about their story through reading the book and if that new information is indeed, factual!
Recently picked up this title for the collection but I have yet to read it. Not enough hours in the day with all of the books I still need to read to catch up, but I will get to it…hopefully!
The back cover of the book which mentions other Beatles-related titles:
A Julian Lennon setlist from the 90s that I acquired. I saw Julian on this tour at Toad’s Place in New Haven, nearby to Yale University. I would like to point out to you Track #7 “No One But You” which is a beautiful unreleased track by Julian that I sincerely hope he decides to issue officially one day! It deserves to be heard by many more people…
A test pressing of a Harry Nilsson LP that I purchased from the UK company called TRACKS. It features a note that Harry Nilsson wrote to his friend Mal Evans (yes that one, of Beatles fame).
The Nilsson Sandman LP cover photo of the cover was taken by none other than Mal ‘The Pal’ Evans:
Credits for the Sandman LP:
Several years ago I was fortunate to be able to purchase this 1964 Beatles UK Tour program:
This 1964 UK tour program was signed by Malcolm (Mal) Evans (see below), the Beatles Road Manager. Evans is the subject of 2 excellent books by Beatles book author extraordinaire, Ken Womack. One of the books issued in 2023 is entitled “Living the Beatles Legend: The Mal Evans Story” and is available to order at the Fest for Beatles Fans, Amazon, Ebay, and virtually all of the book search services available on the internet.
The second volume of the Womack Mal Evans book is due sometime in late 2025 and is eagerly anticipated by all Beatles fans!
Mal Evans signature in my copy of my 64 UK tour program:
Hope that you enjoyed the latest Hodgepodge post. See you next time…