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Ruth and Angie McCartney are quite the family duo. Actually, I mean trio, as Ruth’s husband, Martin Nethercutt is also an integral part of the Three Musketeers coterie and their Online McCartney media ventures. Ruth of course is Paul McCartney’s step-sister and the daughter of Angie McCartney who married Paul’s father, Jim McCartney in 1964. Ruth was with her dear step-dad Jim, when he passed away in 1976.

I have never met either Angie or Ruth but I have corresponded with them via email multiple times in the last couple of years. You certainly can tell they have roots in Liverpool with their sharp wits and sometimes cutting to the bone Scouse sense of humor (humour).

Though not stated directly by either of them, they both exhibit a toughness to handle adversity and it seems clear from what I observe from various reports of their story, that life wasn’t always a bowl of cherries to them. Yet, they are resilient and even though they appear Online quite frequently, in some respects they also have a very private side and are reticent to share information that they believe should not be shared with the information-obsessed world in which we live.

First – a little background about Ruth from several video sources. Hope you enjoy these videos:

Ruth’s website:

Ruth McCartney

A YouTube video about Ruth:

Ruth McCartney – Digital Diva – YouTube


This is the program on every Tuesday co-hosted by Angie and Ruth McCartney which I encourage you to visit or subscribe to on YouTube. You can learn of the ladies book activities, Angie’s tea products, and their multitude of other business and cultural ventures that are discussed. In addition, you will be thoroughly entertained by their numerous well-known guests. They interview the guests in a pleasant family-living room sit-down type atmosphere. Laughs and smiles are plentiful. This particular interview gives some basic general information about the dynamic and very active duo of Angie and Ruth (Here are a few samples of their Teaflix programs)

Teaflix Interview with Ruth and Angie McCartney – YouTube

TeaFlix Interview with Brit Book Publisher Steven Wilson – YouTube

Products – Mrs. McCartney’s Teas

Before I detail a couple of musical recordings that I purchased of Ruth McCartney, I need to preface the discussion with the observation that it takes much courage to even make an attempt to create music for any public consumption when your step-brother happens to be the most successful musician in recorded history. No matter what you attempt in the field of music, it is always going to be compared with or held up to for people to pass judgement on. The same type of judgement occurred when Julian Lennon began his recording career in 1984. Later on in life, he found a photography niche as his ticket to freedom and independent artistry, reducing the pointed fingers of the critics and the comparisons as he excelled in another field no longer being constantly compared with his dad.

Ruth, along with her mom Angie and husband Martin Nethercutt have created McCartney Multimedia, Inc., a full service digital company which deals with such matters as web design and social media strategy. Their website can detail these matters in far greater detail and clarity than I can:

McCartney Multimedia, Inc.

Their hard work has paid off!!!

In true McCartney style, all three aforementioned people- Ruth, Angie and Martin are true workaholics. Martin Nethercutt is a talented composer and musician and he significantly strives to assist to help in the successful completion and implementation of Ruth’s and Angie’s video projects.

It is often overwhelming to see all of the business activities they are intertwined with. We wish them well with all of their business ventures.

Martin Nethercutt — GeistMusik



‎Ruth McCartney – Apple Music

A couple of years ago I became aware of and then purchased this 1990’s cd-EP and cd-LP by Ruth McCartney and I am so happy that I did!!! Found them both at the wonderful vinyl/ cd search service known as Discogs!

Ruth’s tribute to her step-dad, Jim McCartney entitled “I Will Remember You”, is truly a beautiful heartfelt track.

I thoroughly enjoyed both the EP and LP. Check it out. The recordings are available at Discogs and occasionally on eBay.

The cd I have seen listed primarily at Discogs which is a primary source for finding this wonderful European recording.

Ruth McCartney had quite the musical following in Russia and I would like to present two videos of her performing numbers in Moscow:

A wonderful video of Ruth singing a beautiful song in Moscow

Russian Nights – YouTube

Another Ruth McCartney performance in Moscow.

If This Coat Could Talk live in Moscow – YouTube

This was my first purchase of a Ruth McCartney musical project-it was her EP taken from the “I Will Always Remember You LP. Both the EP and LP that I purchased were manufactured in Germany.

Ruth McCartney
Ruth McCartney
Ruth McCartney
Ruth McCartney

This is the LP. I was fascinated by the range of styles evident on this release. Ruth is obviously a multi-talented person.

Her talents include being a good businesswoman, a multimedia pioneer, a fine singer, a great marketer and a dedicated and loyal daughter to her wonderful mom, Angie! She is amusing, clever and possesses a keen mocking sense of humor which resonates with so many of us when we view her and Angie’s Teaflix programs on YouTube!

If you have not been exposed to Ruth’s musical part of her career, I strongly encourage you to check it out!!!

The Ruth McCartney CD/LP “I Will Always Remember You.”

Ruth McCartney
Ruth McCartney

Track List For Ruth’s LP-I Will Always Remember You

Overnight Success

Dr. Ruth

I Will Always Remember You

Livin It Up

Kidnap Your Heart

Forever In Love

Island Fever

Young Boy

Don’ Ax Me, Jus’ Fax Me

Real Man

Swimming Pool Music

Closing Beatles-related comments: Most of you are probably aware that is was through Ruth’s early years of playing the piano that she assisted in providing the inspiration to the creation of one of the most well-known Beatles songs at the end of their Abbey Road LP. When Paul was visiting , at the piano there was the sheet music of a 500-year-old lullaby by Thomas Dekker entitled “Golden Slumbers”. Paul came over to the piano saw the sheet music and it served to be the lyrical inspiration to a melody that he had been working on ended up as one of the most famous Beatles tunes/songs that Paul closes many of his shows with even today!
Thank you Ruth for providing that inspiration!

Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,

Will close this post with several of the book projects of Ruth and Angie over the last few years:

For all book ordering details, you can contact Ruth or Angie at their Mrs McCartneys Teas website: Mrs. McCartney’s Organic Teas – Mrs. McCartney’s Teas or here at The Beatles Bookstore


Angie’s first book-the hardcover:

Angie McCartney
Angie McCartney

The back cover of the book:

Angie McCartney
Angie McCartney

Paperback version of the book with additions from the first volume:

Beatles landmarks with QR codes to enhance the book portrayal of these locations:

This is one of their titles that I still need to get. I’ll bet I could write a few Liverpool Limericks myself, though they would never reach the publication stage because of some very obvious risky linguistic reasons….LOL!

A fabulous limited edition book of 1,001 copies (Special thanks are attributable to the Arabian Nights for their inspiration).

I was fortunate enough to secure copy #1,001 for my personal collection! This book is excellent not only for the digital artwork and the beautiful cover, but also for the many stories that are now preserved for future generations!

A lovely cover designed by SHANNON. The book features stories about Ruth and Angie’s encounters with many well-known people revolving around the Beatles phenomenon!

An excellent site where you can purchase several of the Ruth and Angie McCartney book titles:

Golden Age 60’s

The back cover of the book:

Mrs. McCartney’s Organic Teas – Mrs. McCartney’s Teas

A brand new Angie McCartney book detailing the very long history of Tea. This book is available to purchase at the link above:

A brand new Ruth McCartney cookbook which is available to purchase at the Mrs. McCartney’s Teas site noted just above: This book cover reminds me of Alice in Wonderland

Let us not leave Martin Nethercutt, Ruth’s husband out of this discussion of The Three Musketeers known as Angie Ruth and Martin. Please explore this link to this amazing 10-year musical project of Martin….You will be amazed by this ambitious musical and video project currently in process:

About GEISTMUSIK — GeistMusik

Also love Martin’s digital information newsletter site. Here is the link for you to check out:

McCartney Times | Martin Nethercutt Archives – McCartney Times

Final thoughts on the subject: (in my humble opinion, this needs to be said)

Any highly recognizable surnames which have such worldwide recognition status like the name McCartney carry certain heavy weights and chains to shoulder. No matter what you attempt to do if you are not the person of immense worldwide fame, you are always compared or judged that you may be using the name to further your own interests. My point is….so what! You judge the quality of any piece of work in life based on it’s inherent quality. If the name helps in the recognition of the brand you are promoting, you would be a fool not to use it.

The name of the brand may help to sell the product initially, but unless the product being sold or promoted has merit and is worthwhile based on the buyer’s individual set of pros and cons, the brand name then becomes secondary in the overall decision-making process. There are too many closet critics who never created anything of their own accord in their own lives and therefore they elevate their own sense of self-esteem by degrading the motivations and accomplishments of others.

This has always been a pet-peeve of mine when a product is released by a relative of a celebrity. I congratulate Ruth, Angie and Martin for their courageous approach to all of their undertakings. I currently do not yet have all of the books shown above, but I do have most of them, and I do have plans to acquire the balance of them in the near-future!

Be healthy and be happy!




  1. I met Angie at a Beatle convention in Connecticut long ago. A guest was looking at a Butcher cover and wondered aloud, “What was going through their heads when they did this?”

    Without missing a beat, Angie cheerfully answered, “Drugs, dearie!”

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