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31st October – Life-Changing events for Paul McCartney and Ed Sullivan

Ed Sullivan with The Beatles
Ed Sullivan with The Beatles
John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison and Ringo Starr with American TV show host Ed Sullivan on the 8th February 1964

On 31st October 1963, Ed Sullivan was passing through London’s Heathrow Airport when he witnessed “Beatlemania” for the first time. By chance, The Beatles were just returning from their overseas tour in Sweden. There were hundreds of fans gathered in the rain, as well as over 50 journalists and TV crew covering the event.

Who Are The Beatles?

Sullivan asked the journalists; “Who is this all for?” The reply was, “The Beatles”. Ed Sullivan then asked the important question: “Who are The Beatles?” Ed Sullivan began investigating who The Beatles were and, as he recalled later; “I made up my mind that this was the same sort of mass hit hysteria that had characterized the Elvis Presley days.”

This planted the seed in Sullivan’s mind that he needed to have this sensational British group on his show. As we know, that first Ed Sullivan Show appearance in front of 73 million people changed pop music forever, especially for the Beatles.

Mary McCartney

Paul and Mike McCartney
Paul and Mike McCartney

The 31st October 1956 was a tragic one for Paul and Mike McCartney, as this was the day they lost their mother, Mary. Paul was only 14 years old. Although he later commemorated his mother in song, things changed for Paul from this day. His brother Mike always said that the way for Paul to cope with losing their mother was music. Just two weeks after Mary died, Paul went to the Liverpool Empire and saw Lonnie Donegan in concert. Following that concert, inspired by Donegan, he asked his father Jim if he could swap his trumpet for a guitar. Jim agreed.

The first song Paul wrote was called “I Lost My Little Girl”: was this Paul writing about the loss of his mother by creating a fictional broken relationship with a girl?

Ian James

Paul needed someone to teach him to play the guitar which he did. He went to his school friend Ian James, who helped Paul to learn the guitar. Ian, from the Dingle, spent hours teaching Paul to play – Paul was a natural.

Ian James – photo taken by Paul McCartney

I interviewed Ian for my book, “The Fab One Hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles”, and he told how he helped Paul to prepare for meeting John at St. Peter’s Church on 6th July 1957, as well as Ian’s memories of being there at Woolton that momentous day.

Selling The Guitar

Ian James with the guitar Paul learned to play on

Ian shared his memories of still being friends with Paul, going to Woolton, and what happened when he decided to sell his guitar. It was valued at approximately £30,000.

However, when he was advised to get a letter from Paul McCartney, that valuation was dismissed.

It Sold for How Much?

Discover what happened when Ian visited Paul McCartney in London before the auction and how much the guitar sold for – an incredible amount of money!!!

Find out Ian’s story and every musician and influencer in the evolution of The Beatles – 104 people!


The Fab one hundred and Four
The Fab one hundred and Four
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Did you know that The Cavern had a Recording Studio?

Recording Equipment at Cavern Studio Ltd
Cavern Sound Ltd.

Nigel Greenberg set up Cavern Sound Ltd. Nigel’s connection with the Cavern went way back. “During my teenage years one of my close friends was Franklin Sytner,” he recalls. “We shared an interest in skiffle, and some nights I would tag along with Frank to the Cavern Club, which was then owned by his brother.”

By 1961 the music scene in Liverpool was starting to take off. Hundreds of groups were playing in suburban dance halls and city centre clubs. Most bands were quartets – lead, rhythm and bass guitarists and a drummer. Each guitarist needed an amplifier and the group also needed a public address system with microphones and loudspeakers.

Frank’s older brother, Alan Sytner, had opened the premises in 1957 as a jazz club, but from the early ’60s skiffle groups started playing. Alan eventually sold the Cavern to Ray McFall, who took over on 3rd October 1959, with Mr. Acker Bilk and his band top of the bill.

At The Cavern Club, Mathew Street

Nigel outside The Cavern

After installing a new sound system for Hope Hall, a city centre cinema that doubled as a live music venue, they were approached by Ray McFall and Bob Wooler to discuss a new venture. By 1963 the Beatles had made Liverpool and the Cavern world famous, and now Ray and Bob wanted to open a recording studio in the vacant cellar next door, where local bands could record demo discs. Cavern Sound Ltd was incorporated and the studio opened in late 1964.

25th October 1964: Cavern Sound Ltd. Opens

Nigel explains: “It transpired that Ray’s sound studio idea was a last-gasp attempt to generate additional revenue to prop up the club, which was rapidly going down the drain. He loved the limelight and even accompanied the Beatles on their first trip to the US at enormous cost.

Find Out The Whole Story Now

Read the fascinating story of this little-known period in the Cavern’s history and how Nigel met Debbie many years later on a blind date and realised their paths crossed many years before in The Cavern! It is all in Cavern Club: The Inside Story

Cavern Club - The Inside Story
Cavern Club – The Inside Story
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Visiting George Harrison in Hospital

george Harrison in Hospital
george Harrison in Hospital
George Harrison in Hospital

Leslie Cavendish, The Beatles hairdresser recalls the time he was visiting George Harrison at the London University Hospital on February 1969, as he had his tonsils removed and  he wanted to see a friendly face. So, Derek Taylor asked me to go and visit him at the hospital.

Because the world’s press was waiting outside Derek told me not to say anything, especially as I told a journalist that Lennon was going bald!

A Day in his Life

I walked in and a few recognised me, but I just went straight into reception and went to the ward. I mentioned that I had never seen so many press people, before but George said that it was a normal day in his life.

When I came down and came out of the entrance they asked if I had any news about Beatle George. “Will he be able to sing again, how ill is he?” etc. etc.

I have always watched people on the TV say this and now I had my chance; “NO COMMENT”, and then I smiled and went back to work.

George had this very special peaceful aura around him and all the times I had been in his company you felt it and maybe it was “SOMETHING IN THE WAY HE SMILED.”

Leslie Cavendish

Read more about this story and so much more in Leslie’s book, The Cutting Edge.

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Hi. I’m Paul McCartney, The Cavern

Debbie with Paul McCartney
Debbie with Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney at The Cavern

“It was 25th October 1968 and I had paid my usual Friday visit to the hairdressers and arrived at the club mid-morning to start work. Dad was stocking the Top Bar when I arrived.

“We’ve had a visitor,” he said.

“Who was it?” I asked.

“Paul McCartney,” he said.

“So I’ve missed him?” To say I was disappointed doesn’t come close.

“Don’t worry, he’s coming back,” Dad assured me. “You finish stocking the bar and put some champagne on ice. I’m going to the photography shop to buy a camera.”

Dad walked across North John Street to Photo Optics in Dale Street. He had to spin the photographer a yarn that he wanted to take photographs of a group in the club and asked if he’d come over and set up the camera so he wouldn’t have to do anything but take photos.

“Paul had just walked into the club and out of the blue, while Dad was stocking the Top Bar ready for the evening.

Recognising him instantly, Dad held out his hand.

“Hi, Alf Geoghegan, the Cavern.”

Paul shook his hand and replied, “Hi, Paul McCartney, the Cavern. I’m going over to the Wirral to deliver a record player to Ruth, my stepsister, and I’d like to come back later. I’ve got my girlfriend in the car and I’d like to show her the Cavern, on one condition – you don’t tell the press.”

“You’ve got it,” Dad said. “Would you mind if we took some photographs?”

“No, that’s fine, I’ll be back in about an hour.”

Dad locked the main door to prevent any visitors wandering in. We gathered by the bar where Dad offered them a drink and proceeded to open the champagne.

Curiosity Shop?

Paul Sits at the drums for the band, Curiosity Shop. At the rear is Alf Geoghegan and Billy Butler
Paul Sits at the drums for the band, Curiosity Shop. At the rear is Alf Geoghegan and Billy Butler

Linda Eastman Takes a Photograph

“I’ll do that,” Linda said. “I’m a good bartender.” She took over and served the champagne.

Dad made a toast: “To Paul and the Cavern.”

He asked Paul again if he could take some photographs and was about to pick up the camera, when Linda said, “I’ll do that, I’m a good photographer.”

She picked up the camera and after altering all the settings started to take the shots. Dad was afraid she’d messed up the camera!

Discover this story and so much more in Debbie’s book; “Cavern Club: The Inside Story”.

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Launch at The Cavern Club

Paul, Linda, Nigel and Debbie
Paul, Linda, with Nigel and Debbie Greenberg

My book, CAVERN CLUB-THE INSIDE STORY was launched at the CAVERN CLUB on 24th October 2016. 

More than 200 guests were welcomed with a glass of bubbly. The Beatles and early sixties music filled the air as the evening got off to a great start. I was overwhelmed by the support that I had received from family and friends old and new, who had helped me to fulfil my dream.

My publisher Peter Stansill of Jorvik Press had faith in me for which I will be eternally grateful and he had flown in from Portland in Oregon U S. to be with me for the launch.

I thanked everyone personally who had been instrumental in the journey from manuscript to the finished result.

They’re Playing My Song

I was doubly blessed to also have a disc launched on the same evening.  Fifty years earlier, my late father Alf Geoghegan, who had owned the original Cavern in the mid-sixties had written a song for me entitled “Little Girl-Bells of ChristmasI”. I did nothing with the song for over fifty years except to play the demo disc at Christmas for friends and family.

Abbey Road

I always knew it was a great song and in 2016 Michael Armstrong, Warren Bennett and I collaborated to produce a modern version of the song. The recording was mastered at Abbey Road Studios and Warren’s dad, Brian Bennett (The Shadows drummer) kindly agreed to play on the track with Michael Armstrong singing.

Michael and Warren entertained the guests at the launch on stage with the first public airing of the song. 

To have my book launched at the Cavern was a dream come true but to have my dad’s song launched there on the same night was the icing on the cake.


Debbie Greenberg


Cavern Club - The Inside Story
Cavern Club – The Inside Story
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Letter from Brian Epstein Reveals Another Part of Pete Best’s Exit from The Beatles

Letter from Brian Epstein to Joe Flannery

This letter has turned up in an auction of some of Joe Flannery’s things following his death. Joe was an integral member of Brian Epstein’s circle around The Beatles. You can read more about the auction here.

There are some interesting points which need clarification. When researching the supposed “sacking” of Pete Best for my book, “Finding the Fourth Beatle”, I uncovered a number of key points:

1. Pete Best was never sacked by Brian Epstein. He couldn’t be! The Beatles employed Brian as their manager. They could sack him, but Brian had no authority or power to sack Pete or any of The Beatles.

2. To achieve the removal of Pete Best, Brian had to convince Pete that he was being sacked, without saying the words!

3. As Brian didn’t sign the management contract with The Beatles in February 1962, he could not enforce the contract on The Beatles. However, John, Paul, George and Pete could enforce the contractual obligations on Brian!

4. Because of this fact, Brian was still legally tied to Pete and responsible for finding work for him, Brian was assisted by Joe Flannery by Flannery offering Pete the drummer’s position in Lee Curtis and the All Stars (Lee Curtis was Joe’s brother). By doing this, Pete effectively quit The Beatles.

5. It was for this reason that Brian wrote to ” release him from his obligations under contract to myself”. Brian was finally free.

If you want to read the full story, then it is in FINDING THE FOURTH BEATLE.

Finding the Fourth Beatle
Finding the Fourth Beatle