A Beatles Collection by Chris Agajanian

One of the primary focal points of this blog is to highlight the more rare to obscure Beatles books that are out there in the marketplace. This particular book holds a special fascination to me. A Beatles collector, named Chris Agajanian compiled many of the items in his Beatles collection as a hardback book which served as a catalogue for people that were to buy his items at auction.

I saw this book advertised on Ebay and I purchased it. Since it was privately published there are not too many copies in existence. That type of book holds a special place in my heart as a collector. I have included a couple of sample items from this gentleman’s very impressive collection. This also highlights a problem evident in bibliographies in that many privately published books are not known about and therefore miss out on being cataloged.

I have approximately 50 privately published Beatles books for example, many of which there were less than 20 copies of the book published. All of these privately published books hold a special place in the collection for obvious reasons!
Featured Book in The Beatles Bookstore

Bill Zygmant – Where Did You Get That Shirt? (Signed Limited Edition)
Get your copy of Bill Zygmant’s portfolio book of unique photographs covering his career from the late 1960s to the 1980s.
This will be a signed, numbered edition – maximum of 250 numbered editions.
It comes with one of Bill’s signed photographs, which usually sells for £50!