If you had to select the 100 Most Pivotal Moments of The Beatles’ career, what would you choose…and why? And by “The Beatles’ career,” I mean both their years together and their solo years. Quite a daunting task, isn’t it? But that was the opportunity afforded to Goldmine writer and author of John Lennon: Life is What Matters, John Borack. John was recently asked to write a great new book, The Beatles 100: One Hundred Pivotal Moments in Beatles History. And it is really, really interesting!
Please join Lanea Stagg, the author of The Recipe Records Series of rock’n’roll cookbooks and Jude Southerland Kessler, author of The John Lennon Series of narrative biographies as they sit down with Borack to discuss his choices.
This is one of the most thought-provoking, conversation-starting podcasts that “She Said She Said” has ever published. Here’s a teaser: Pivotal Moment #1 is John meeting Paul. Pivotal Moment #2 is America Greets the Fab Four in 1964 and Moment #3 is Pete Best is Replaced by Ringo Starr.
So, the moments are NOT in cause-and-effect, sequential order. You will agree and disagree. You will nod and shout at the show. You will be totally engaged. Don’t miss this lively podcast! And buy John’s intriguing book wherever great books are sold!
Listen to this great interview with Jude Southerland Kessler and Lanea Stagg
Get Jude’s and Lanea’s Books too:

Should Have Known Better (Vol. 4) – 1964
1964 in John’s life! “A Hard Day’s Night”, and created/recorded the accompanying, best-selling soundtrack; a World Tour, a Scottish sojourn, a lengthy North American Tour hitting cities all across the U.S. and Canada.

Recipe Records – A Culinary Tribute to The Beatles
Invite your friends to “jam” with recipes such as “Stuffed Sgt. Peppers,” “Strawberry Pie Forever,” “Savoy Truffles,” “You Say Goodbye, I Say Jell-O,” and more! The cookbook contains recipes which “pair well” with song selections, trivia, stories, quips, and quotes about the Fabs. 50 recipes to celebrate 50 years of the Fabs are cleverly set out, and feature recipes from Beatles Book Store friends, Jude Southerland Kessler and David Bedford! This book makes a terrific gift for anyone who likes to eat….and dig The Beatles!