The best way for me to introduce what I personally feel is the best regularly printed magazine about Paul McCartney – MACCAZINE – in the world is to present a small section of their own magazine description from their website, as I believe it to be a very accurate summary of the contents of the magazine. In the digital world in which we live in, it is a refreshing thought to know that this organization based in the Netherlands, publishes two special McCartney magazines peryear.
However, the word magazine is not the correct term to use to describe the issues as the two magazines that arrive each year are actually equivalent in both appearance and content to receiving two new oversized McCartney paperback “books” inundated with great information and fantastic photos. It can be truly said that Maccazine can’t be beat!!! There is not a better magazine in existence about the world’s most successful composer!
All I have is praise and accolades for this wonderful well-written and researched McCartney magazine that arrives at my mailbox twice a year. Before I show you photos of the covers of the 49 English language issues that have been printed up until January of 2025, I would like to present a list of of some of the stellar staff members of this excellent MACCAZINE:

The chief editor of the Maccazine, Edward Eikelenboom, has graciously consented to give me and this post a little personal background to the magazine’s history which is provided here:
From Edward:
1) We started as the Dutch Paul McCartney Fanclub in 1973 after contacting the UK Fun Club address on the back of the “Red Rose Speedway” album sleeve. We also received official approval from EMI Bovema, the Dutch record company.
2) At first we distributed the British Fan Club newsletters to the Dutch subscribers and in April 1975 we started to publish our own magazine Wings Words. From the start all our magazines were published in the Dutch language.
3) Up until 1983 we published 6 magazines a year. Because Wings officially disbanded in 1981 we retitled our fanclub magazine to McCartney Magazine in 1984, followed by the name Maccazine in 1992. As our magazine improved over the years in quality and in quantity (more pages in each issue) we decided to publish 4 magazines a year starting in 1983. All Maccazines were still published in Dutch with a print in black and white.
4) In 2005, twenty years ago, we decided to change our policy. This was partly due to the Internet, but also we wanted to reach more readers in other countries. So we began publishing Maccazine in English with a full colour cover. We also decided not to focus on the recent news, but to issue specials about a certain topic, like a McCartney album, a concert tour or another them. Our first issue was “Venus And Mars”.
5) It’s now 20 years later and so far we have published 49 Maccazines (in English). The amount of pages, quality of print and even the inside pages of Maccazine are now printed in colour. So we keep improving our Maccazines. We are a non-profit organisation (organization) so all money that comes in we spent on our issues.
6) The people who read Maccazine are from all over the world. Most readers are situated outside The Netherlands. The best way is to save money is to subscribe, but you can also order (back) issues from our website.
MACCAZINE is a hard copy magazine about Paul McCartney published by the Paul McCartney Fan Club. MACCAZINE is one of a kind, bringing you exclusive information in a world ruled by the internet. Take a look inside and discover MACCAZINE! Once you have read one, you want to read them all!
MACCAZINE is published by the Paul McCartney Fan Club. All MACCAZINES are offered at prime cost. The Paul McCartney Fan Club is a non-profit organization, run by volunteers. Let it be clear that no money is made from the publication of these MACCAZINES. All for the love of Paul.
Maccazine is a hard copy magazine (a bound paperback) about Paul McCartney. It is published (*) twice a year. Due to the fact that the Internet has taken over the world and the fact that the latest Paul McCartney news is to be found on hundreds of websites, we have decided to focus on creating an informative paper magazine about Paul McCartney.
Most of our Maccazines are 58+ pages magazines (a bound paperback) with a full colour cover about an event in Paul McCartney ’s career after the Beatles break-up; for instance an album by Wings, a solo album or a concert tour.
- All Maccazines are written in English and contain lots of photos and illustrations.
- You can buy Maccazines as back issues, but when you choose to become a member, you will automatically receive the latest issue at your home address.
Our aim is not to provide you with the latest news about Paul McCartney, but to deliver an interesting magazine with facts that have been obtained through extensive research by our editors.
Should you be interested in becoming a subscriber of the magazine or you possibly would like to purchase a specific issue, you can use the contact information provided at the link below to learn how. Any specific questions you may have about the magazines content can be addressed by someone at their website:
Maccazine – The best magazine about Paul mcCartney!
At this juncture I would like to present the front covers of all of the issues of this superb McCartney magazine that I have obtained over the last several years – Issues 1-49. Enjoy the ride! The reason that the numbering system on the covers of the magazine does not match the numeric 1-49 issue numbers I have placed on the post is that Maccazine started in 1973 and since 2005 they began to publish them in English. For example, 2023 is therefore the 51st year.
I was so impressed with the magazine that I just had to acquire the entire English language collection for my personal archive! Here are the covers of the 49 English language issues published thus far:

















































Sincerely hope you enjoyed viewing the 49 issues of Maccazine that were presented here. I would like to close this post by posting a generalized question about Beatles-related fanzines that you may be a subscriber to or at one time subscribed to.
Before the internet, what was your main source of Beatles information or news? Was there a Beatles fanzine or a solo Beatles fanzine that you depended on to give you the information that you sought on a regular basis? If so, please let us know in the comments what that was and why it appealed to you. Thank you!
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