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beatles Authors on the history of rock ‘n’ roll show

The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show
The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show
The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show

Hello everyone,

Here’s the recording of my radio show I did on the Beatles with four authors. I didn’t get a chance to record the show because it wasn’t connected, so one of the guests, Gary Fearon recorded it for me.

The radio show on The History of Rock and Roll today was interesting but got some good interviews with the authors.

David Bedford was good on his books on Liddypool on Liverpool and different landmarks, The Fab One Hundred and Four on the musical evolution of The Beatles, Finding the Fourth Beatle on different drummers and The Country of Liverpool on Country music. He’s really good to talk to.

Mark Brickley is excellent on Postcards From Liverpool, he met Paul McCartney and Ringo in Los Angeles in 2012, been to different Beatle Fests, different Beatle landmarks, he interviewed Jackie Lomax, James McCartney, Ron McNeil of the Fab Four, Pete Best and few others, and he discussed on the music as well.

Gary Fearon is informative the Beatles solos and behind the songs on his book After Abbey Road, and Paul Ferrante is interesting on 30 Minutes in Memphis based on Beatles live performances in Memphis from 1966.

I like you to please bear with me that there’s been some technical issues because of the new radio board and there’s some parts are not connected and not programed, you can hear me but I sound a little low, I sounded ok, you can hear music, but the background isn’t connected, only you can hear the front, and for the phone system I can’t answer or say hi to the guest, because when they call in they’ll go live on the air, there won’t be an opportunity to talk before they’re live on the air.
So I have them call on my cell to say hi and then have them call the radio number.
It was unexpected.

I like to apologize for this issue.
Thanks for your understanding.


Meagan Pease


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Jude and Lanea – she said, she said with julia baird

Julia Baird, John Lennon's sister
John Lennon’s sister, Julia Baird


Jude Kessler and Lanea Stagg
Jude Kessler and Lanea Stagg

Two of The Beatles Bookstore’s authors, Jude Sutherland Kessler and Lanea Stagg, have a regular podcast called, “She Said, She Said”.

Their latest episode is an interview with John Lennon’s sister, Julia Baird.

Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series and Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series sit down with Director of Cavern Tours, Liverpool, and John Lennon’s sister, Julia Baird for a lively and revealing chat. Julia discusses her Strawberry Fields Project which reaches out to children with special needs and has had a transformative affect on her hometown of Liverpool. She briefly discusses Paul McCartney and George Harrison. And then, she talks at length about her childhood and teen years with her famous brother, John Lennon, and her beloved mother, Julia Stanley Lennon. Julia, who inspired John to become a musician and form a band, was a talented musician and a woman “ahead of her time,” in her daughter’s words, and you will discover what she means in this heart-felt, sincere, and emotional conversation. Julia Baird is an incredible lady – a teacher, the author of two books (including her latest, Imagine This), a business director, and now…a city-transformer who will speak to your heart. Julia knows John Lennon as no other, and here, she shares her life story with you.


Find out more about Jude and Lanea on their author pages.


Shoulda Been There
Shoulda Been There
Shivering Inside
Shivering Inside
She Loves You
She Loves You

Should Have Known Better
Should Have Known Better


Recipe Records
Recipe Records
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Was Ringo lucky, or a great drummer?

George, John, Ringo and Paul - Just After Ringo joined The Beatles
George, John, Ringo and Paul – Just After Ringo joined The Beatles

Too often has The Beatles drummer, Ringo Starr been the butt of some unkind jokes. Reportedly purported by his bandmate John Lennon, the adage goes that when asked about whether Ringo was the best drummer in the world, the bespectacled Beatle responded: “He’s not even the best drummer in The Beatles.” Thankfully, that myth has been dispelled, and the joke traced back to a 1981 radio show featuring Jasper Carrott to prove that nobody within the Fab Four thought of Ringo as anything less than integral to their sound.

Was He A Good Drummer?

That hasn’t helped his wider public of Ringo’s drumming be any less derisory though. As we all know by now, it doesn’t have to be the truth to be spread around as fact. But, for Ringo, it is an unwelcome and unwarranted tagline. The truth is actually that Ringo may not have been a studious percussionist, or particularly gifted with what was deemed as precision playing. Still, he had that one unteachable thing that every musician craves — he had style. As Paul McCartney said when picking his own favourite drummers: “Not technically the best by a long shot, but for feel and emotion and economy, they’re always there, particularly Ringo.”

read this great article about Ringo and his top drum performances

Want to Know More About How Great A Drummer Ringo Is?

Find out more about Ringo, in the following books from the Beatles Bookstore:

Finding the Fourth Beatle
Finding the Fourth Beatle

Finding the Fourth Beatle by David Bedford and Garry Popper, plus the exclusive Double CD of Finding the Fourth Beatle with over 40 tracks by those who played drums with The Beatles,

Ringo Starr and the Beatles Beat
Ringo Starr and the Beatles Beat

In Ringo Starr and The Beatles Beat, drummers Alex Cain and Terry McCusker analyse Ringo’s incredible contribution to the Beatles sound.

Don’t miss their analysis of Ringo on the White Album and Abbey Road too.

Ringo's White Album
Ringo’s White Album
Ringo's Abbey Road
Ringo’s Abbey Road
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The Beatles – from the cavern to ed sullivan in 3 years

The Beatles at the Cavern Club
The Beatles at the Cavern Club in 1961

Debbie Greenberg, our resident Cavern Club expert, looks back at the very first time The Beatles appeared at the legendary Cavern Club. In an excerpt from her book, Cavern Club: The Inside Story, Debbie discusses The Beatles debut.

“The Cavern’s identity started to change at the start of the decade. Rock ‘n’ roll replaced jazz and the Cavern became the heart that gave Mersey its beat.

Debbie with Paul McCartney
Debbie with Paul McCartney at The Cavern

“We watched The Beatles debut at The Cavern lunchtime session on 9th February 1961. We were blown away. The Beatles were different, their music was incredible, their appearance raunchy, their energy infectious. They just oozed excitement.

“Six weeks later on the 23rd March, after a lunchtime session at the Cavern, they jumped on a train at Liverpool’s Lime Street Station on their way to Hamburg for a second time having previously played there in 1960.

“This time they sped out of our lives for four months. We missed them, but still went down to the Cavern to watch the other groups, like Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Singing Blue Genes, The Remo Four, Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes and many more.

“They were all fabulous groups but they weren’t The Beatles.”

The Ed Sullivan Show

1964 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison and Ringo Starr with American TV show host Ed Sullivan on the 9th February 1964
1964 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison and Ringo Starr with American TV show host Ed Sullivan on the 9th February 1964

Exactly three years to the day from their debut at The Cavern Club in front of a couple of hundred fans, they appeared in front of 73 million Americans on the Ed Sullivan Show.

What a journey they had made in just three years.

Find out more about the story of The Cavern Club in Debbie’s book, Cavern Club: The Inside Story.

Cavern Club - The Inside Story
Cavern Club – The Inside Story