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Here are photos of the covers of my complete collection of Paul and Linda’s Club Sandwich, their Fan Club magazine which started printing in 1977 and ended with Linda’s passing with issue #86 in the 90’s. Two of the issues are double issues. The issues are not presented in this post in chronological or numeric order. Most of this post will be comprised of the covers of the issues in my collection. Occasionally a comment or observation will be added to fill in a possible interesting detail for your consumption. Hope you will enjoy it!

Being a subscribing member of this club was a lot of fun and it had many advantages to be a member as choice tickets for McCartney concerts were often made available to fans through the club. I got to see a McCartney rehearsal in a small theater in NY as a result of being a member. I was also able, through the club, to get tickets to see Paul present a playing of his “Run Devil Run” album in a personal appearance, once again in a small NY venue. I stood there while Paul gave his promotional speech about the album and he was about 10 feet away as he talked about how important early rock ‘n’ roll was to him. I was standing on crutches as I had broken my leg several days earlier but that certainly was not going to stop me from getting to see Paul McCartney!!! As a member, we also were able to receive special treats like being able to obtain copies of Paul’s Russian LP.

Hopefully, this post will serve as a good reference point for those who may collect this magazine and are missing or are looking for specific issues. At least you will know what is on the cover….

(These are all copies from my personal collection and are shown for informational and educational purposes only under fair use) Special thanks to my daughteer Erin who took the photos of the covers for her dad which was a time consuming process indeed!

Issue #9

Club Sandwich - Number 9
Club Sandwich – Number 9

Issue #10

Issue #11

Issue #7

Issue #3

Issue #8

Issue #6

Issue #5

Issue #4

Issue #1 (Features the standup bass played on the Elvis recording of Heartbreak Hotel which Linda McCartney obtained as a gift to Paul)

Issue #12

Issue #2

Issue #14

Issue #15

Issue #13

Issue #21 An issue that deals with Paul’s fascination with Buddy Holly which he hosted many tribute shows for over the years. He also owns the publishing rights to most of Buddy’s songs! Smart businessman-that Paul!

Issue #20 Linda is featured for the wonderful animated feature of her song, “Seaside Woman.”

Issue #19

Issue #17

Issue #18

Issue #16

Issue #22

Issue #23 Linda and Paul’s tribute issue to John

Issue #26

Issue #24 Two Musical Giants-Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder!

Issue #25

Issue #27

Issue #63

Issue #65

Issues #47 and #48 (double issue)

Issue #67

Issue #66

Issue #62

Issue #50

Issue #49

Issue #53

Issue #52

Issues #37 and #38 (double issue)

Issue #51

Issue #43

Issue #39

Issue #40

Issue #42

Issue #41

Issue #44

Issue #31

Issue #30

Issue #29

Issue #46

Issue #28

Issue #45

Issue #33

Issue #35

Issue #36

Issue #32

Issue #81

Issue #34

Issue #82

Issue #86 (The final issue of the magazine following Linda’s passing from cancer)

Issue #68

Issue #83

Issue #84

Issue #85

Issue #73

Issue #71

Issue #70

Issue #72

Issue #74

Issue #69

Issue #78

Issue #80

Issue #77

Issue #76

Issue #79

Issue #75

Issue #60

Issue #61

Issue #59

Issue #58

When Beatles book author Mark Lewisohn worked for the Club Sandwich magazine, he ran a contest inviting subscribers to submit questions to Paul. I submitted a question that I had been alerted to by reading Mark’s “The Beatles Recording Sessions” book. The book quickly mentioned an unreleased McCartney track that he had recorded in the studio back in 1968 and then took the recording home, provided to him by the engineer. The track was called “Etcetera.” Supposedly the track was written for Marianne Faithfull.

I submitted the question to the magazine about the track and I was surprised to see the question was chosen for publication in one of the Club Sandwich issues.

Here is a photo of the question I asked and Paul’s response.

Many learned Beatle authorities speculate that the melody for Thingumybob was actually Etcetera without the lyrics.

Something to await the answer to in the future…

Thingumybob (Stereo Version/2010 Remaster) – YouTube

Prior to the 86 issues of the Club Sandwich, Paul had an early version of the magazine. I only have a few issues of this magazine and here are a few examples. I acquired Issue #1 shown below a while back: This is an original of the first issue. There is a vendor on Ebay that I have seen is offering reproductions of the some of the original issues at a reduced price. I would consider getting all of the older pre-Club Sandwich issues if I could find them at a reasonable price…

This is Issue #2

A special 1975 UK Tour issue which I acquired a while back:

Storing Club Sandwiches

Storage problems were the biggest problem of having all of these issues because the Club Sandwiches were so large, they needed to be kept in a box and they needed to be protected by plastic to prevent yellowing of the early newspaper-like issues. The various sizes of the issues was another hinderance. The content though was always first class and interesting and I genuinely miss not receiving a new issue in the mail!!!


Did you subscribe to Club Sandwich? Did you have a favourite issue? Let me know.


More Great Books at the Beatles Bookstore


  1. Wonderful memories! I remember waiting for every issue!!

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