This beautiful book, “Double Fantasy”, was put together as a collaborative effort between the photographer Kishin Shinoyama and Yoko Ono. Kishin Shinoyama took the Double Fantasy album cover photograph. It was Yoko Ono who requested the photographer to photograph and create the gorgeous 174-page limited edition book “Double Fantasy” for Taschen Publications.
I know this post will generate some controversy as I will probably receive comments about the high cost of the book and will be questioned about the wisdom of posting books that are not affordable to many of the potential people interested in obtaining a copy. I can understand that frustration as most Beatles-related book collectors who see a book they may wish to acquire, yet they can not afford, can cause anger and great disappointment in some.
That is why with books such as this, I wish the publishers could work out an arrangement with the respective estates to also print a much more economical version of the book so that more people can add the book to their respective collections and enjoy the wonderful photos as a result. The other side of the issue would state that high-quality photography is very expensive to produce in a limited edition book and therefore the high cost is justified. I just wish a happy medium could be reached in order to satisfy all those who would have interest in the title.
Nevertheless, I will always be grateful that I was able to afford the book at its release. Now that I am retired, I am not so sure that I could do that anymore. In any case, I am happy that I was fortunate enough to add this beautiful book of photos to my collection!
This is the slipcase containing the 2014 Double Fantasy book:

John Lennon & Yoko Ono. Double Fantasy / By Kishin Shinoyama – YouTube
My copy of this gorgeous book is number 522 which Yoko may possibly see as a good number as the digits 5 + 2+2=9. It is just a numerology supposition on my part…LOL! I tried to obtain copy #1980 (the last numbered and signed copy) for my collection when I purchased my copy, but they could not assign specific copies to purchasers.
Both Yoko and the photographer signed this book and the signatures appear below…

The actual cover of the book contained within the beautiful slipcase:

The spine of the book:

Some biographical information about Kishin Shinoyama on Wikipedia. Mr. Shinoyama was to pass away in January of 2024.
An Italian post about a couple of the Taschen limited edition books dealing with 2 former members of the Beatles:
John Lennon & Yoko Ono. Double Fantasy + Harry Benson. Paul – Meraviglie in Taschen – YouTube
Taschen’s link to purchase the book: (Please note: the book is an expensive item)
Kishin Shinoyama. John Lennon & Yoko Ono. Double Fantasy. TASCHEN Books
Question for readers: (be honest in your replies)
Have you ever expressed any kind of resentment towards fellow collectors who may have been fortunate enough to be able to acquire a Beatles-related item that you were not able to afford at the time of the item’s release? If so, what is the main reason for the feeling of resentment? Is it mainly held towards the publisher, the artist or the actual fan who shells out the funds?
Let me know in the comments below.
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John Lennon
Books about John Lennon
Have I ever been angry at the price of the books? When I was younger I was. As I’ve aged I realized that I don’t have to buy the books. They can charge whatever they want. There have been many things I have not been able to afford. But, you can always get the music. And that is both inexpensive and priceless. That’s what really matters.
David, I can understand your sentiments completely. I have seen people pay hundreds of dollars for the rare Hummel German hand-painted statues. I have no interest in those items so it makes no difference to me how much they ask for them. Whatever guides your interests and the individual importance or lack thereof of any item is an individual choice. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, the saying goes!!! You are also correct with another observation, the ultimate reason we loved the band or the individuals that made up the band was because of the MUSIC!
Hi John,
I have copy number 1836.
I had been hoping to meet the photographer to have a few photos signed, unfortunately, his passing has put a stop to nay chance to do so.
Meanwhile, I should have my framed David Spindel photograph soon; the young lady who does the job has been sick for some time, but she is getting bette I’ve heard;
As promised, I’ll send you a photograph.
By the way, I can’t remember the name of the other gentleman photographer who took the other one.(my problem these days, I keep forgetting).
Thank you