Ivor has shared the following notice about a personal appearance in January of 2024 to promote the new edition of the book at the Museum of Ventura in Ventura, California. Here is the notice of his appearance in January of 2024.
Three hundred years after the American Revolution Britain finally got revenge. Sixty years ago this year, four funny-looking lads with mop-top haircuts from Liverpool, England—named John, Paul, George, and Ringo, invaded the USA—and conquered the nation! Amidst oceans of tears and ear-blasting screams—but surprisingly no blood—they re-wrote Rock and Roll History.
London-born, Ventura County author and journalist Ivor Davis had a front-row, eyewitness seat as this amazing Revolution unfolded in all its gory detail.
He travelled with them, ate with them, drank with them, and revealed the behind-the-scenes story of what unfolded from sea to shining sea in his 60th anniversary “Beatles and Me on Tour” book. It contains never-before-told tales of the conquering Beatles who are still worshipped in the USA—and even Ventura County!
The Beatles and their families are beloved millionaires, and astonishingly they are still turning out hit records!
Davis will be at the Museum of Ventura County January 25, 2024 from 6:30 to 7:30pm to reveal the blood, sweat, tears, screams and inside stories of how it happened. And answer all the questions about the Fab Four—that you were afraid to ask!
“Davis serves up the stories behind the stories as only an insider can,” said the prestigious Publisher’s Weekly.
October 1962/May 1963 (200 pages, Isla Publishing)
Release Date : December 1st, 2023
October 1962 marks the release date of “Love Me Do”, Fab Four’s debut 7” single. That date is the starting point for the new series of photographic publications “The Illustrated History”, retracing the myth of the Liverpool quartet on printed paper weekly. Extracts from the first untraceable newspapers at the time, promotional posters, charts, rare covers relating to record publications, charts and other international press finds. Much of the material from the authors’ personal collections is unpublished or rarely seen before. This series of books (the first we present here has 200 pages) has the merit of having brought together these “Beatles memorabilia” on paper, in a single complete work, testifying a collecting interest which, after more than 50 years, has not shown signs of decreasing, indeed…Available in a limited edition of 50 hand-numbered copies: Enjoy the previews and contact Alex to get a copy! Soundlover30@hotmail.com
A few sample pages. Please note the text on the sample pages is English as the dual authors also collected many English articles and magazines!
The Beatles The Illustrated History
The Beatles The Illustrated HistoryThe Beatles The Illustrated History
Being a musical rival does not just merely imply competing for record sales. It also means the pushing of the boundaries and encouraging the musical development and creative energies of the respective bands of the era. That is where the concept of competitiveness and synergy play huge roles.
If you want to learn more about many of the Beatles rivals during the heyday of their reign atop the roost and their impact on one another’s rise and fall, I recommend the following books by UK author, Martin Orkin. I remember seeing this limited edition hardcover advertised Online and I quickly purchased the last numbered copy, number 500 because it appeared so appealing and interesting to me.
This 800 page book was a pure delight and I was so happy and thrilled with the purchase. Martin chose to analyze many of the Beatles rivals during those tumultuous times and he hits the mark time after time with his excellent observations and astute analytic abilities. The covers of his two limited edition books are displayed at the bottom of this blog entry. The first volume is sold out and Volume two I am sure will have a similar fate. Martin had the honor of having one of his own individual musical compositions published by none other than Apple Publishing. The story and details also appear below.
The song of Martin’s that Apple published was called “Nancy” and was recorded on an LP by a British group called Three’s Company. Martin has told me that one of his most prized possessions is a royalty check for his song signed by George Harrison.
With this knowledge provided by Martin, I purchased a copy of the LP to obtain his Apple published song.
Here is Martin Orkin’s fabulous story about his Apple published song:
Here is the LP’s front cover:
Three’s Company
This is the back cover of the LP
Martin’s track is the third track on side 1:
Three’s Company Back Cover
A royalty check sent to Martin by George Harrison
Royalty Cheque for Martin Orkin
Martin’s handwritten lyrics to the song:
Martin Orkin’s Handwritten Lyrics
Peter Brown’s Apple business card:
Peter Brown’s Business Card
Martin Orkin’s Apple Contract:
Martin Orkin’s Apple Contract
Rivals of The Beatles Cover
Book 2 – More Rivals of The Beatles in the ’60s
Rivals of The Beatles 2
You can write to Martin for details about
Volume 2: enquiries@rivalsofthebeatles.com
Did you follow any of the “Rivals”? Let me know in the comments below.
This Geoffrey Stokes authored Beatles book belonged to American poet David Louis Posner. When he passed away, the book went into an estate sale where it was purchased by the person that I eventually bought it from. The special thing about this Beatles title is that the front and back cover was designed by none other than artist, Andy Warhol. The special element of the book for me is that Warhol signed the book. There are many connections to John and Yoko that Warhol had. Yoko was friends with Warhol and John interacted with Andy quite a lot when he first moved to NY. When John died, Yoko maintained a friendship with him and Andy even bought Sean Lennon, one of his first computers as a birthday present. Several rare interviews with John Lennon also appeared in Andy’s Interview magazine
Here is a biography of the poet that once owned the book
David Louis Posner-source-From the guide to the David Louis Posner papers, 1923–1957, (University of Delaware Library – Special Collections
American poet David Louis Posner was born August 6, 1921 in New York to Nell and Louis S. Posner. Although his father was born in Britain, he worked as a lawyer on Wall Street and later became Commissioner of Education for New York City. In 1945, Posner received his B.A. from Kenyon College where he majored in French and in 1947 he received his M.A. in English Literature from Harvard. After studying at the Sorbonne, he worked for two years with Radio Diffusion Française interviewing famous personalities.
During this time, he travelled extensively in Europe and pursued an interest in archeology. He accompanied an expedition searching for a Phoenician city in Libya and another working at the Palace of Minos in Crete. In 1953, Posner returned to formal academic pursuits and studied modern languages at Wadham College, Oxford. Posner’s poem, “The Deserted Altar,” won the Newdigate Prize for English Verse in 1956. From 1957-1969, Posner was an English instructor and Assistant Curator of Poetry at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He became an assistant professor of English at the University of California and remained there until 1973.
He published seven books of poetry, including The Deserted Altar (1957), A Rake’s Progress: A poem in five sections (1967), Visit to the East (1971) and Geographies (1979). Posner was also a life-long collector of first editions of literature until his death in 1985.
Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The Gale Group. 2004. Additional information acquired from materials in collection.
From the guide to the David Louis Posner papers, 1923–1957, (University of Delaware Library – Special Collections)
The Beatles with cover by Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol’s Autograph
The Beatles with cover by Andy Warhol
Recently, I was able to acquire Warhol’s June 1972 interview with John and Yoko in Warhol’s Interview Magazine.
Andy Warhol’s Interview with John Lennon
Also was able to acquire a rare John Lennon interview from 1974 from Warhol’s Interview Magazine, with Bette Midler on the cover, where John interviews himself in typical Lennon whimsical fashion!
A brief excerpt to give you the flavor of the self-interview
Q. Well, er, John it’s been a long time no speak….
A. Has it been that long?
Q. Probably, anyway, what have you been doing since we last talked?
A. Oh, the usual…….
Q. I see, well, weren’t you supposed to be making an oldies album with Phil (for is it he) Spector?
A. Yes, we started in ’73, but it never ended, even Alex beeinhisbonnet Bennett noticed that.
Q. Then suddenly, as it were, you were working with that great radio star, Harry (Buckminster) Nilsson.
A. Quite right! I produced his album, “Pussycats” out now, at a reasonable discount, then went on to make my own reasonably wonderful album, “Walls And Bridges” out now, which includes the fast rising single, “Whatever Gets You Thru The Night” featuring my close friend and fiancee, Elton John, on piano and vocal harmony.
Q. Do you feel that you new album, “Walls And Bridges” is a step forward in your never ending search for artistic fulfillment, the struggle of the lonely……..
A. I went to party in L.A., just to look at Liz Taylor, was I thrilled to meet her, and on top of everything, who, but who, do you think was all over her armpit? None other than the great, great show, David The Bowie! Wow! Was I thrilled to see that they were both smaller than me!
Q. The track I liked best was that miserable one about “Nobody loves you when…….”
Magazine with Andy Warhol’s Interview with John Lennon
Rolling Stone did a piece about Sean’s tribute song for Andy Warhol
Bill Morrison created a fantastic graphic novel in honor of the Yellow Submarine’s 50th Anniversary in 2018. Titan Comics produced this wonderful box set to go along with Bill’s great graphic novel. Found the set on eBay and purchased it for my collection and at a greatly reduced price from the original, which made me very happy. Here are a few photos from the eBay purchase!
John Lennon was often his own worst enemy as his public comments and convictions would often lead to intense public relations problems. Here is a good example – this unpublished book containing his comments and quotes about politics over several years. Put together at a time when he arrived in the US and his political leaning were labelled as being to the left. The impact of these views at this time certainly negatively impacted his record sales as is evidenced by the poor sales of Sometime in New York City!
The Political Thoughts of John Lennon
John Lennon
Power to the People: the Political Thoughts of John Lennon, London: New English Library, 1972
Though the book was never published, a few prototype copies exist. The book was probably was withdrawn from publication for fear it would jeopardize John’s attempt to remain in the US during the American government’s attempts to deport him. The reasons for the deportation were stated by the Immigration service as due to a marijuana conviction in the UK. However, the more likely reason was the conservative leanings of the government in power who feared John’s influence with the youth during the Sixties. Tried to find a prototype copy of the book to buy, but when I saw the price, that eliminated me from contention as it was listed at several thousand dollars at a few auction venues. As the Rolling Stones quoted in their song, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” I posted this book cover on Facebook when I had a Beatles print page there and many people in their comments objected to the cover photo saying the likeness was not an accurate depiction. I see the artist’s attempt to draw similar to the style of Klaus Voormann in the portrayal of John’s head and face but I may be wrong in that perception.