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Before the information explosion of the internet, Beatles fans depended on getting their Beatles-related news from Beatles fanzines – and this is one of the best Beatles fanzines ever! One of the best of those fanzines was run by a young guy in Boston named Joe Pope. He began a Beatles fanzine which created a lot of excitement for Beatles fans that were recovering from the shock of seeing their favorite group disband in 1970. Joe started his fanzine in the early 70’s and it helped soothe Beatles fans in the healing process of dealing with the group’s dissolution.

The magazine dealt with a combination of news of all their individual activities and stories about the old days when the group was conquering the world. The subscription price to the magazine was very reasonable but it was shipped via bulk mail to save costs and that would mean the occasional issue would either get lost in the mail or would arrive much later than expected. However, once received, it was a clear joy and a great experience to soak in all of the news. Joe’s writing style was not condescending and he had a wonderful sense of humor and was eager to share his joy and happiness and the Beatles information he was privy to and to pass it along to his subscribers.

Other Beatles Fanzines


Other wonderful Beatles fanzines or magazines that I have looked forward to with similar affection over the years is the magnificent “Beatlefan” magazine run by editor, Bill King! In my personal opinion, it is now the single greatest Beatles print information source barring none. Bill always amazes everyone with his wealth of Beatles knowledge and the excellent staff of people who assist him with the creation of each informative and entertaining issue.

Beatles Monthly

Another was the magazine Beatles Monthly which officially ended after issue #77, but then had a renaissance when there was a resurgence of Beatles interest. It went on for many years and was able to finish with 321 regular Beatle Monthly issues. That is in addition to several special issues put out by the magazine. There was the Write Thing, a McCartney based magazine which I subscribed to which was a wonderful Paul McCartney news source, because of his productivity, he always gave his fans subject matter to discuss and the information pool was always plentiful. Currently one of my favorite Beatle print magazines is Octopus’ Garden. This is a wonderful magazine based in Massachusetts that is well worth subscribing to. You will not be disappointed.


I love the German Beatles magazine called “Things” which is always packed with news about European audio/video releases and books that often are not available in the States.


My favorite McCartney-based magazine is one cleverly called “Maccazine” which is published in the Netherlands-truly the state of the art McCartney magazine or should I say-“book” as the issues are as large as books.

Good Day Sunshine

Another superb Beatles fanzine was produced about 40 miles away from me by fellow Nutmegger, Charles Rosenay, entitled “Good Day Sunshine”.

Instant Karma

I fondly remember the excellent John Lennon-based magazine entitled “Instant Karma” by Marsha Ewing.

Beatles Unlimited

Another excellent Beatles fanzine was the Dutch based “Beatles Unlimited” magazine, published in both Dutch and English, I have all of the English copies of this news-filled magazine of Beatles worldwide news which had one of the best Beatles book sections of any Beatles fanzine I have ever seen.


One more that needs to be mentioned here is Beatlology, which is another magazine I have all of the issues to. My apologies are extended to those whose magazines did not receive a mention here today as I could have created a bible-sized list of worthy Beatles magazines that have appeared and that I have greatly enjoyed over the years.

Strawberry Fields Forever

Now on the subject at hand: Today’s post will feature photos of my complete collection of all 52 print/audio issues of Strawberry Fields Forever for you to view. Occasionaly I will present a comment or special memory I have of a particular issue. I know that there are several subscribers to this blog that also have the complete collection of the magazines. Congratulations!

Here is Issue #1 My memories of acquiring this issue is a bit hazy as it was an issue I had to back order after I received my first issue of my subscription. I was a completist even then:

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

Issue #6 Joe Pope was able to secure an interview with Yoko Ono at the Dakota and the contents of that interview are available in ine if the issues of Strawberry Fields Forver.

Issue #7

Issue #8

Issue #9

Issue #10

Issue #11 Joe’s comment at the bottom of the issue refers to the Harrison 74 tour of America. Receiving this notification, a close friend of mine Mike Mazzarella travelled to New York to go to Madison Square Garden to see the last 2 George Harrison shows in December of 74. We also had heard rumors that John Lennon was probably going to make a guest appearance and possibly even perform at one of the shows. However due to John’s reluctance to sign the Beatles dissolution agreement, George told him he was not welcome to perform. After the shows, John met up with George at a party at the Hippodrome in NYC along with May Pang!

Paul McCartney was in disguise at one of those shows with Linda and her brother, John Eastman.

Issue #12 was a collection of some of Joe’s favorite Beatles photographs:

Issue #13 One of my favorite issues of SFF but also one of the most depressing. Joe had told me over a phone conversation that it was highly probable that John was going to make a guest appearance at his Thanksgiving show in 74 at Madison Square Garden. That information was passed on to him to one of the most well-known Beatles/Lennon fans out there! Well due to family pressures of being made to feel guilty if I was not with my family on that special day, I decided not to go. It was the biggest regret in my “Beatles-related” life.

However, Joe Pope was there and gave a wondrous account from his front-row seats of the show which is available in this special issue. I regret not having been at this show very much as he was the only Beatle that I never got the chance to see and he was the Beatle that I had admired the most for several reasons which I will not go into on this post. However, they say whenever you hold anyone in a so-called hero status, you should never meet them personally as you might get very disappointed. That may be true, but I sure I would have liked to have the chance to find out….

Issue #14 in an apparent photo from the “Ram” era

Issue #15 advertising one of Joe’s Beatles conventions at the Bradford Hotel in Massachusetts. I also went to his first one in 74, also held at the Bradford, which is touted as the first Beatles convention though not the first one officially sanctioned one by the Beatles which Mark Lapidos created and organized. Joe’s first convention and Mark’s first convention were only several months apart if my memory serves me correctly.

From the September 26th, 1974 issue of Zoo World magazine, here is a piece that appeared about the first Bradford Hotel Joe Pope Beatles convention. One day, while browsing through the Zoo World magazine, I discovered a photograph of an old man dancing to a Beatles song that was being played in the lobby. It is the photograph on the right with street performer David Peel strumming along on his guitar. With a deeper inspection, this is when I discovered that I was also in the photo with my lifelong friend Mike Mazzarella, who is a musician. I was sitting next to the big round pole in the background and my buddy Mike was sitting on the step just below. On the foldout page of the magazine, you can see the Magical Mystery Tour staff, pictures of Joe at the auction lectern, pictures of David Peel, Murray the K, Apple promo man Pete Bennett, and Wayne Rogers who sold me both of my Butcher covers. A splendid time was had for all…

The elderly man doing his little dance along to the Beatles music he was listening to. I have often wondered if he ever saw the photograph of himself dancing away…..?

That’s me in 74 with the glasses on and clapping along in seeing the elderly man dance to the music of the Beatles in the Bradford Hotel lobby in Massachusetts. That was the site that Joe used to have his Beatles conventions. That is my lifelong friend, Mike Mazzarella sitting on the step on the right hand side of the photo.

Another Boston Beatles convention memory of which I am not particularly proud of is having too much to drink with Beatles first manager, Allan Williams. I never heard so many 4-letter words in my life, though I never heard any when I paid for the drinks. He did have a great sense of humor despite missing out on millions of dollars. His personality was such that he did not have the business niceties to succeed in the cutthroat worldwide music market. I also had a fascinating breakfast with Richard Dilello, the Apple house hippie in the Bradford Hotel restaurant. He shared some wonderful stories that were not in the book that I am not allowed to share…

One other interesting story about Joe Pope. Even at this early stage, Joe was aware that I loved to collect Beatles-related books. There was a controversial book written by onetime Paul McCartney 1968 girlfriend, Francie Schwarz when he split with Jane Asher called “Body Count.” I wanted to read it by I did not know where to find it. Joe said, “I’ll send you a copy, just don’t tell your mom, that you got it from me.” I laughed nervously as I knew exactly what he was referring to, having heard advance reports about the book. It shows you what a nice guy Joe really was!

Issue #16

Issue #17


Joe borrowed the idea of having an occasional audio issue of the magazine from the original Beatles fan club. The audio issues featured rare recordings of the Beatles and contents appear near the bottom of this post!

Issue #19

Issue #20

Issue #21

Issue #22

Issue #23:

Issue #24-Another audio issue:

Issue #25:

Issue #26 features a Derek Taylor interview

Issue #27-another audio issue

Issue #28

Issue #29:

Issue #30:

Issue #31-one of my favorite issues based on the research of the late Joel Glazier who was the source to fervently discuss the Paul is Dead rumor! Whether you believe it was total nonsense or thoroughly fascinating, this is the issue for you!

Issue #32-another audio issue

Issue #33-features the New York Times article written by John and Yoko that hinted on their possible eventual return to musical activity. I have an original copy of the New York Times article protected in plastic for my collection!

Issue #34:

Issue #35:

Issue #36-another audio issue

Issue #37:

Issue #38-Joe’s tribute issue to John after Lennon was assassinated.

Issue #39:

Issue #40-the last audio issue

Issue #41:

Issue #42:

Issue #43:

Issue #44:

Issue #45:

Issue #46:

Issue #47:

Issue #48:

Issue #49:

Issue #50:

Issue #51:

Issue #52:-the final issue of Strawberry Fields Forever

This is photo of a CD that I acquired on eBay of the audio contents of the 6 audio SFF vinyl disks

Joe was instrumental in making an arrangement with Genesis Publication in the UK to get a discount for his subscribers who wished to obtain and purchase a signed copy of George Harrison’s “I Me Mine” book. He was also instrumental in finding a source for Beatles fans to hear the Beatles’ Decca audition for the first time with the famous Deccagone series of 45s. Here is a source of the photos of those 45s.

The Beatles – The Decca Sessions Singles

The last time I saw Joe Pope was at a Ringo All Starr Concert in Massachusetts. He was about to move to San Diego along with his wife Cindy. I did speak to him once more on the phone after that when he was undergoing cancer treatment and he expressed the same brave positive outlook that he always presented in person. I was so saddened like many others when I got the notification that he had passed away in 1999. Joe, you will be sorely missed. You brought so much joy to so many people.

Not many people are are aware that after Strawberry Fields Forever Magazine, Joe to keep active during his medical treatment kept busy by doing a Beatles clipping service type of magazine called “A Thousand Pages (give or take a few). I discovered these 6 issues by accident on Ebay which I snapped up very quickly. To the best of my knowledge only 6 issues of the magazine were ever completed and issued.

Issue #1:

Issue #2:

Issue #3:

Issue #4:

Issue #5:

Issue #6: The final issue with a color cover

In closing this post, I would love for you to share any memories that you may have of Strawberry Fields Forever magazine, Joe Pope, and the first Beatles convention! Be Healthy and Be Happy!

John “Buzz” Bezzini

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NME – SEPT 12, 2009 ISSUE

Your comments and interactions on the blog posts are strongly urged and encouraged. Participation makes for a more exciting, informative, and (being involved) interactive medium. We look forward to you sharing your own personal Beatles wisdom and knowledge!!! Thank you!

John Bezzini

This post has some overlap with an earlier post that I did on the blog dealing with the marketing campaigns that promote Beatles magazines that have cover variations designed to enhance sales and to encourage multiple purchases of the same issue of a magazine. Some collectors welcome this. Others despise the practice. I have to be honest with you. I often substitute better financial judgment with a completist collector’s mentality. This judgment does not extend to all cover variations differences though. For example, I refuse to collect multiple vinyl color variations of an LP release by any of the Beatles. In that circumstance, I cry out for new material instead of rehashing the old!

The dilemma faced by the magazine/ print industry is that newspapers, magazines, and books face serious challenges from internet, phone, and computer technology to greatly reduce the impact of any print media on the culture. Many print media are facing extinction, bankruptcy or simply fading into oblivion. Environmental issues have also stepped into the picture as the cutting down of trees to secure paper products is sneered at by many individuals and groups.

This trend is a continuation of what is also happening with the music industry where streaming has become the main (stream) source of sound and profits rather than physical media like CDs, DVDs, or vinyl records. Well, I am in the minority as to me there is no substitute for holding a book or magazine in my hands in a warm living room tactfully (yes a pun on tactile) turning the pages rather than having my eyes fixated or mesmerized on a screen before me.

Using the same logic, I could never purchase groceries Online as I would want to personally view and examine what I was buying to consume!!!

Collecting print material has its own unique qualities that are not all positive though:

Marketing strategies based on past successful campaigns can promote such practices as reissuing the same magazine with different covers or issuing the same magazine with a couple of extra pages but advertising it as a completely new issue.  

The completist mentality:

Often magazine publishers through demographic and previous sales analysis determine that certain iconic figures like the Beatles seem to sell more copies of a particular magazine so they repeatedly use the Beatles on the cover to sell more copies of the magazines. Sounds like a good business proposition

Here is an example of a successful campaign as it applies to my personal collection.

New Musical Express (NME), a UK music magazine, in September of 2009, issued a Beatles campaign of 13 separate Beatles album cover issues containing the same content within. Other than the cover, the contents were the same. As an added incentive to collectors, they made one of the 13 issues (Magical Mystery Tour) as a limited edition of only 1,000 copies, appealing to the completist collector who needs to have ALL of the issues or face the psychological possibility of feeling they are missing out on something. Many if not most people decry this type of marketing strategy as they see it simply as a money-generating ploy meaning you are paying 13 times for the same content with the cover photo being the only difference.

Collecting and completist psychology does not always extend universally across specific types of collectibles. I have no personal desire to collect multiple color variations of the same vinyl release in order to possess the 250 color variations of a vinyl release. Print variations in books and magazines have a far greater appeal to me as a collector. One enticement marketers use in the sound collecting arena is when they include a single bonus track (not available elsewhere) in a package that forces you to repeatedly buy a very expensive package in order to secure that single bonus track. This strategy forces collectors to often buy multiple copies of the same album they already have several copies of in order to ensure having all of the variations of the recorded work by the artist.


The following represents a marketing strategy that was successful with yours truly. The 13 issues of NME featured below are from my personal collection. If someone were to ask me which one was my favorite issue of the 13, unsurprisingly, I would have to reply with the Magical Mystery Tour issue because of the limited number of copies printed of that issue. Was I being manipulated by the publishers? Most likely, yes, but it was a decision I readily made which pleased me at the time and I do not regret it. However I am fully cognizant that some of you viewing this will say that I wasted my money. Also being retired now and on a fixed income, I need to be more judicious about where funds are outlaid.

Hope you enjoy the various covers of this September 2009 issue of New Musical Express:



Also in my print collection:

MOJO Mag UK July 2001-Four different cover variations of the same issue of the magazine:


My favorite separate cover of the same magazine was a foreign issue of Rolling Stone Richard Avedon Beatles covers


A few years ago, my good friend Jordi Melgosa from Spain was able to inform me of a Beatles rarity only available in his native country. He told me that the Richard Avedon Beatles photos only appeared as a set on the cover of Rolling Stone in Spain. The same dated issue would have each Beatle pictured on the cover. It was a great marketing scheme because if you wanted the complete set you would need to buy 4  copies, assuming they had all 4 Beatles covers in stock.

Jordi also said that the most difficult cover to find in the set was the Ringo cover. I asked him if he could locate a set for me to purchase for my collection. He had no trouble finding John, Paul, and George, but like he had said, it was a considerable amount of time before he was able to find the Ringo cover. After he had completed the set, I paid him for the issues, and he mailed them to me in the States. I will always be grateful to him for his kindness, his persistence, and  the courtesy of making me aware of this special rarity!

Rolling Stone - 4 Different Covers
Rolling Stone – 4 Different Covers


Recently, a friend of mine from the UK, Seamus Hayes informed me of another marketing strategy for Beatles-related magazines. This is a recent issue ‘The Ultimate Music Guide of the Beatles” issued by UNCUT magazine in the UK. It is in magazine format with a picture on the cover taken from the Beatles Mad Day Out photography shoot from 1968.

The magazine which is large at 172 pages has many beautiful photos and is impressive. This is followed by a unique strategy aimed directly at Beatles collectors. Uncut magazine decided to take their Ultimate Music Guide of the Beatles and print 2 hardcover editions with much of the similar content that also appears in the magazine with the Mad Day Out cover, one with a red background and one with a blue background featuring two different early Beatles photographs.

The size of the magazine and books are also not identical. My psychological justification for getting all three was now complete as being in hardback format, I was now securing two more hardcover Beatles books for the collection. Furthermore, it was another collector oddity that I enjoy. A book and magazine combination. I know that many if not most of you feel that I am wasting my money, but none of us is going to take it with us. Also, a collector needs only to justify to themselves what they buy. Living in the States, I was cursing at the international postage costs but Seamus Hayes, my collecting buddy in the UK has helped me significantly in helping me deal with this situation. As fellow collectors we help each other out in our collecting obsession! A mutually beneficial situation, indeed!


Here is the 2024 magazine put together by Uncut magazine in the UK:

The Complete Story of The Beatles
The Complete Story of The Beatles

Hardcover book- the blue cover version of the above magazine

The Complete Story of The Beatles
The Complete Story of The Beatles

Hardcover book- the red cover version of the above magazine with a different photo:

The Complete Story of The Beatles
The Complete Story of The Beatles

TV Guide – Nov. 11-17, 2000

All 5 covers that were marketed separately and also as a package containing the rare White Album cover issue of the magazine:


TV Guide Week of August 14-20, 2005the Shea Stadium cover variations


READER”S DIGEST COVERS FROM: A rare set of Reader’s Digests from Australia from Dec of 2005


My favorite set of TV Guide covers.

This is a rare set from Mexico of their equivalent of TV Guide Magazine manufactured in 1973 with the White album photos:

Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia
Tele Guia

In closing, for those collectors out there, what particular collecting peculiarities do you have in your own collecting pursuits? How do you personally approach your own collecting habits or interests? Do you dislike completist collectors? If so, why?

Thanks for your input!

Happy hunting!



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Radio London Pirate King Returns


Radio London
Radio London

This massive event occurs on Sunday and Monday 22/23rd December for 6 MASSIVE Hours on both days!!

Radio London 60th Anniversary
Radio London 60th Anniversary

There is romance, memories, nostalgia and above all MASSIVE BEATLES CONTENT to listen out for and remember forever.

The proprietor and owner has taken his own Beatles Leanings to put out a BRILLIANT PROGRAMME. He has also invited Beatles fan, historian and Apple Collector Nigel Pearce, to open his Treasure Chest and play a whole program of Beatles Rarities and rarely heard tracks.!! True paradise indeed !!

Nigel Pearce - Author and Radio Presenter
Nigel Pearce – Author and Radio Presenter

For details of the Frequencies and Timings please go to the BigLRadiolondon website and all will be revealed. 

This will be a huge delight and will be beamed all around the world on Short Wave, AM, and in glorious stereo on the World Wide Web.

This great unique celebration is most definitely not to be missed for all Beatles and ’60s music fans, so put it in your diary and travel back to those times when the Pirates ruled the airwaves!!

Nigel Pearce


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Your comments and interactions on the blog posts are strongly urged and encouraged. Participation makes for a more exciting, informative and (being involved) interactive medium. We look forward to you sharing your own personal Beatles wisdom and knowledge!!! Thank you!

John Bezzini

Much is known about Nicky Hopkins marvelous session work with both John Lennon and George Harrison following the breakup of the Beatles. Not as much is known, especially in the United States about a charity single written by keyboard player Nicky Hopkins and Craig Mathieson in the late 80’s. Paul McCartney not only produced the track but played bass on it as well. It was recorded at Paul’s Sussex studio. According to the excellent Nicky Hopkins biography written by author Julian Dawson, which is featured elsewhere on this site on an earlier post, Paul may have also sung backing vocals on the charity single.

The proceeds of the single were to go to the BBC sponsored “Children in Need” project. The charity is for disadvantaged children and young people in the UK and the BBC has helped with this charity since 1980 and they have raised nearly a billion pounds in those years according to this Wikipedia source:

Children in Need – Wikipedia

The drummer on the track was Woody Woodmansey who was the drummer for many early Bowie albums. With the death of David Bowie in January of 2016, Woodmansey became the last surviving member of the Spiders from Mars group ensemble.

I was able to locate and purchase a copy of this charity single at the Discogs music search service. This is the front cover of the 45:

Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney
Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney

This is the back cover of the sleeve featuring the details and credits of the 45:

Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney
Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney

The A-side:

Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney
Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney

The B-side which is listed as an instrumental:

Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney
Nicky Hopkns and Paul McCartney

Saw that someone posted the two tracks on YouTube. The A-side and the instrumental B-side! Based on the album cover it appears the tracks were taken from an underground LP release:

Spirit Of Play – Children In Need (Independent BBC release, produced by Paul McCartney, 1988)

Spirit Of Play – Children In Need (Instrumental B-side, BBC, produced by Paul McCartney, 1988) – YouTube


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Many Beatle experts are aware that the English language version of The Beatles Book had 77 original issues along with a couple of special Christmas issues and a special repeat issue. The Beatles Book Monthly later returned to give new information about the Beatles’ solo career and actually a grand total of 321 issues were made before the operation was ceased on the magazine in 2003. There was also a rare special Japanese English language edition of the magazine that came out in late 1965.

Not much is known about the rare three-edition French version of the Beatles Monthly though oddly enough it actually was a quarterly magazine in France. Published  by La Semaine Radio-Télé in Paris Supplement for the Radio-Télé week (future Télérama)

The rare 3 issue edition of the French Beatles Monthly equivalent was known by the name: Les Beatles and it is special as they had a very thematic approach to the pictures and stories that appeared in each issue. However, it is a mystery as to why only three issues were printed at the height of Beatlemania unless the original intention was to only create the 3 issues! The three French Magazine covers appear below.

Wikipedia information about the English Beatles Monthly

The Beatles Book (also known as Beatles Monthly) was a fan magazine dedicated to the English rock band the Beatles, founded in 1963. It was first published in August 1963 and continued for 77 editions until it stopped publication after the December 1969 edition. It was revived in 1976, and ceased publication in 2003. Sean O’Mahony passed away  in July of 2020.

Publisher Sean O’Mahony– Sean used the pseudonym, Johnny Dean in the magazine

Issue #1 of the French Beatles Monthly

Les Beatles Magazine
Les Beatles Magazine

Issue #2 of the French Beatles Monthly:

Les Beatles Magazine 2
Les Beatles Magazine 2

Issue #3 of the French Monthly:

Les Beatles Magazine 3
Les Beatles Magazine 3

The bag issued to house the three French issues of the Beatles Monthly. The French Monthlies had more of a thematic approach to their content than the English editions:

The special repeat issue featuring the best photos from the first six issues of the magazine!

The Beatles Book
The Beatles Book

The 1965 larger format special Christmas issue:

The Beatles Book
The Beatles Book

The 1966 special larger format Christmas issue:

The Beatles Book
The Beatles Book

The rare English language special 1965 Japanese Christmas issue of the Beatles Monthly:

The Beatles Book
The Beatles Book

In conclusion, the bootleggers are not to be outdone. For a limited time on eBay, someone was selling PDFs of all of the 321 issues of the Beatles monthly until they were removed for sale on the medium. This is an idea that Sean O’Mahoney’s estate should be pursuing to bring the fabulous magazine to a new generation!!!


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Billy J Kramer – Stories and Music This Sunday!

Billy J Kramer
Billy J Kramer
Billy J Kramer

BILLY J KRAMER – Sunday 15th December on Future Radio 107.8FM


On Sunday 15th December 2024, sees Groove Britain’s Nigel Pearce, Beatles Fan – and author, historian and publisher of Inside Number Three – in a specially recorded conversation with the one and only Billy J Kramer .

Billy talks about his career, Liverpool, and music including his relationship with The Beatles, Brian Epstein, and his new Christmas Record Christmas Kinda Feeling which has entered the vinyl and heritage charts.

“This indeed was a very special interview”, explains Nigel, and, if possible, we will meet at next year’s International Beatles Week Convention in Liverpool!!.

So, tune in to Future Radio on at 3PM UK Time and listen to a wonderful music exclusive!!

Nigel Pearce