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Radio London Pirate King Returns


Radio London
Radio London

This massive event occurs on Sunday and Monday 22/23rd December for 6 MASSIVE Hours on both days!!

Radio London 60th Anniversary
Radio London 60th Anniversary

There is romance, memories, nostalgia and above all MASSIVE BEATLES CONTENT to listen out for and remember forever.

The proprietor and owner has taken his own Beatles Leanings to put out a BRILLIANT PROGRAMME. He has also invited Beatles fan, historian and Apple Collector Nigel Pearce, to open his Treasure Chest and play a whole program of Beatles Rarities and rarely heard tracks.!! True paradise indeed !!

Nigel Pearce - Author and Radio Presenter
Nigel Pearce – Author and Radio Presenter

For details of the Frequencies and Timings please go to the BigLRadiolondon website and all will be revealed. 

This will be a huge delight and will be beamed all around the world on Short Wave, AM, and in glorious stereo on the World Wide Web.

This great unique celebration is most definitely not to be missed for all Beatles and ’60s music fans, so put it in your diary and travel back to those times when the Pirates ruled the airwaves!!

Nigel Pearce


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The Doctor Prescribed The Beatles to David Bedford

How do you become a Beatles author, blogger, filmmaker, podcaster and member of The Quarrymen?

You get ill with a chronic incurable, painful, condition, but find a very wise and understanding doctor.

David far left with The Quarrymen
David far left with The Quarrymen

This is the story of how David Bedford started work on his first book, Liddypool: Birthplace of The Beatles, and went on to write and co-write several other books too, as well as the documentary film “Looking for Lennon” and so many more Beatles projects.

This is the story, from an interview in 2014 and then updated in 2024.

Discover David’s books here:

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This set came my way about two months before the release of the Abbey Road Set in 2019. 

It was what we call a ‘Brown Envelope Job’. 

I was totally amazed at what was inside – although the finished and released package was beautifully packaged and set out, this gave me a huge insight into how the package was heading. Again this is a ‘working’ box set, it displayed some wonderful thought. Apparently, there were 100 constructed and this is number 12.

This is the front of the sample package.

All four parts note pieces displayed. You will find that the wording displayed here was used except for package four  – The Alternate Abbey Road.

Abbey Road Project
Abbey Road Project

Abbey Road Internal Package

This is the general shot of the internal workings of the package thus far. You can see that it resembles in some way the design of the UK Our First Four Package from 1968. Complete with four photos 3 of which are from that famous shoot in August 1969. Sample CDs are displayed along with a small photograph also from that shoot. Some are perhaps the original copies being somewhat light struck!! This photograph also shows the holding box to the left.

Abbey Road Package contents
Abbey Road Package contents

This is the rear of the interior package

It shows different versions of the rear of the Abbey Road cover, complete with the track listings for each album. Of great interest is package four which was never issued, This is another 2019 re-mix with the later versions of Here Comes The Sun, – the Accapella version of Because. and an Intro version of Come Together. As said this was never issued in any form, but is canned somewhere, nice to have it. I admit I have it on my computer and make backup copies when my playing one gets scratched due to the potholed roads offered by the authorities in our wonderful country!! 

Rear of the Abbey Road Package
Rear of the Abbey Road Package

This set was never issued, but having it in my collection is a real plus. Knowing that only 100 were issued, having one is extra special. So, I do hope this one-off viewing will meet with your approval. Like all of my Apple material, it is kept in a box stored out of sunlight and is very rarely opened, hence its excellent condition!

Nigel Pearce

Get Nigel’s book on Apple here:

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Ethan Allen Russell was born on November 26, 1945 and he has quite the photographic resume helping to chronicle and preserve precious images of the rock ‘n’ roll era of the 1960s and beyond, and the iconic bands that played such a dynamic role in the history of those times. Would like to honor Mr. Russell with this blog post as photographers often do not receive the full recognition or credit that they deserve for capturing the wonderful images of the times and the events that are so fleeting in all of our lives. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Ethan Russell has written the equivalent of the Gutenberg Bible!!! Ethan has the distinction of being the photographer who has shot album covers for The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and the Who!!!

Ethan’s wonderful website where you can purchase and peruse many of his wonderful images:

Ethan Russell Photographs – ETHAN RUSSELL PHOTOGRAPHS

Would like to highlight some of the books that have a Beatles connection that Ethan has been involved with and that I have purchased over the years, but before I do that. I want to show you the beautiful signed print I purchased from Ethan back in 2016 that he shot in 1968 at Montagu Square, London. I believe that Ethan has titled this print as “Wistful.” John was living in Ringo’s apartment at the time and this was the location where he was arrested by policeman, Norman Pilcher for cannabis possession. Lennon pleaded guilty to the charge though he claims to have been planted. This plea led to the government of the US under Richard Nixon to institute deportation proceedings against John that haunted him in the early 70’s until he was eventually granted his green card thanks to the efforts of attorney Leon Wildes. Many people believe that this was a sly way for the US government to get rid of an anti-war protestor who could possibly influence the younger voters to vote against the reigning President. Nineteen sixty eight had another Lennon/Ethan Russell connection. Ethan took some fabulous photos of John’s super group, the “Dirty Mac” at “The Rolling Stones Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus.”

“Wistful” by Ethan Russell

John Lennon by Ethan Russell
John Lennon by Ethan Russell

The COA that Ethan sent with the photograph:

Ethan Russell's Certificate of Authenticity
Ethan Russell’s Certificate of Authenticity

The slipcase of the special edition of the boxed set put together by Ethan as a special remembrance for his son. I love this independently published box set, from 2019: EntitledEthan Russell Photographs The Best Seat in the House published by independent PublisherKQLY Press. This book is available on Ebay and some special book search services such as Abe Books!

Ethan’s inscription to me in my copy of the book:

Ethan’s signature on the limited edition book:

The Inside Story-the booklet that accompanies the deluxe box which gives Ethan’s assessment and further details of some of the photo’s that he chose to comprise the special limited edition version of the book “The Best Seat in the House”:

The actual cover of the Ethan Russell Photography book – Ethan Russell Photographs – The Best Seat in the House, featuring a photo of Keith Richards leaving the Stones plane on the cover:

The Dear Mr. Fantasy softcover book featuring the photos of Ethan Russell:

Publication Year-1986 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Book is available on Amazon, Ebay and many other book search services like Abe Books:

Hardcover Edition of the Dear Mr. Fantasy book featuring a partial list of the cavalcade of musical celebrities and luminaries that Ethan has photographed over the years: Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 1985.

Book is available on Amazon, Ebay and many other book search services like Abe Books:

The 1970 Get Back book-softcover that was issued in only a few countries featuring the photographs of Ethan Russell. One of the criticisms of the book was the loose binding that caused many frustrated collectors to wonder why some of the pages were falling out as the years went by. This book has become a collector’s item because of it’s relative scarcity:




The hardback book that came out after the Disney Get Back movie appeared on the network. Published by Callaway, it contained photos by Ethan Russell and Linda Eastman. Mal Evans, I believe, was also credited for taking a few photos.

Callaway Editions, Incorporated Published in 2021

The book is available on Amazon, Ebay, Abe Books, The Callaway website and many other venues:

Target Department stores issued a special edition of the Callaway book with lobby cards and I believe there was another edition featuring a few select prints as well:

Ethan Russell has the distinction of being one of the photographers at the final Beatles photo session conducted at John’s home in Ascot at Tittenhurst Park.

This album featuring many Beatles tracks that had previously only appeared on singles turned out to be what was to becomes an Apple Records oddity as the album received two distinct titles. Initially, first being called “The Beatles Again” and then being retitled “Beatles Hey Jude” because of the greater marketing impact of mentioning the Beatles biggest hit in the title would have on sales. Ethan shot the cover of this LP.

The Final Beatles Photoshoot
The Final Beatles Photoshoot

The Beatles Again LP on Apple: One of the label variations of the LP

The album retitled yet with the same contents:

This LP was released after Abbey Road even though it was recorded before it. Ethan is credited for having taking this album cover as well:

Ethan's Famous LP Cover of Let It Be
Ethan’s Famous LP Cover of Let It Be

Thank you Ethan Russell for the beautiful photographs of the Beatles that you were able to take. They will be enjoyed by fans and historians for many generations to come…and that is only a part of your rich legacy!!!


Another great book of Beatles Photographs

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Bought this wonderful limited edition and signed book of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics back in 2017 from Waterstones Bookstore in the UK. Unfortunately that was also the year that graphic artist/illustrator Alan Aldridge passed away.

Alan not only had a unique artistic vision as it applied to the Beatles. His illustrations of Beatles songs sparked many spirited conversations concerning his interpretations of the songs. Aldridge also had a very distinctive signature when he signed his books as you will see below. He had an association with John Lennon, giving John a print of his illustrated lyric of John’s song “Dr. Robert”, and also designing a John Lennon ‘Superman’ book cover!

The signed edition portrayed below was limited to 1,500 copies!

The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The back cover of the book

The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The signature page

Signed Page
Signed Page

A note from Alan:

John Lennon as Superman

Aldridge also did a reprinted cover image for one of John Lennon’s books. He portrayed Lennon as Superman, but was forced to change the ‘S’ to avoid copyright problems. I believe Alan also took the photo of the front cover of the book.

The Penguin John Lennon
The Penguin John Lennon

Volumes 1 and 2 of Aldridge’s successful hardcovers from 1969 and 1971. Published by Delacorte

Volume One and Two of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
Volumes One and Two of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

Another distinctive example of Aldridge’s unique signature:

Do you have these books? What do you think of his illustrations? Has he captured the lyrics? Let me know in the comments.


Some more books on The Beatles and Music

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The Apple Jigsaw of Rare Beatles Recordings in Mono

Mono Mixes of Let It Be and Abbey Road
Mono Mixes of Let It Be and Abbey Road
Mono Mixes of Let It Be and Abbey Road
Mono Mixes of Let It Be and Abbey Road

Rare Beatles Recordings in Mono

This gives us all concrete proof that rare Beatles recordings in Mono mixes were done, mixed and produced for Abbey Road and the Let It Be albums. Although these mixes have never been officially released, here are my personal CD copies of both of those mixes and the EMI Tape boxes used to house them in. The labels are shown here for those stored recordings, and as per their contract situation prevailing at the time they were seeded to Parlophone Records. The recordings actually are excellent as well!!  Should be available to purchase, I 100% believe.


Badfinger in Concert
Badfinger in Concert
Badfinger in Concert
Badfinger in Concert

This CD came direct to me from a contact at the BBC. This is straight from their archives and is a copy of a live concert programme for Badfinger. Recorded and Broadcast from Wales in 1972. It is an extremely good concert with only possibly two songs that might need some editing or enhanced production. Badfinger was indeed a well-knitted and tight band, and this is one of the few excellent recordings of them in concert. It would have made an excellent live album !! It might have given the band a big push!! 


Fight For My Country by Balls
Fight For My Country by Balls

This is another rare to find, and well-lost Apple Studios demo recording. The artist is Balls, and the song is titled Fight For My Country. Its a good progressive slab of rock, quite well played, and it is well produced in Mono. Again there is no details of personnel of the Band, and finding them is very difficult, or perhaps nigh on impossible. Another one from that under the Floor No 3 Savile Row Vault.

Paul McCartney The White Album Interview

Paul and John Interviews
Paul and John Interviews

John Lennon Abbey Road Interview

Paul and John Interviews
Paul and John Interviews

These are really the Pieces de Resistance of this little bunch. The ideals of Apple were to promote the product as works and pieces of art, for that is what they most certainly were. It was EMI etc that counted the money that was to be coming in from each well-made product! 

The Beatles at this time undertook a lot of promotion in order to fulfill that Operational Mendi of giving the artist a better deal. They were also doing this to their own products, and we have two fine examples here. The first one is an interview by Paul to promote the White Album released in November 1968. He gave an exclusive interview to Radio Luxemburg Host/ DJ Tony Macarthur, with sponsorship from the Daily Express. The discussion is very open and he concentrated on his tracks but gave a lot of mention to John’s Goodnight.

The second one is John accompanied by Yoko giving a discussion on Abbey Road just after the album was released, and again the discussion was very warm and open, with no hints of the problems at Apple which were bubbling away. Both interviews are given in full, but the tracks have been cleaned to provide pure listening pleasure, and they most certainly do just that. John also mentions the version of Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight from the album covered by Trash, Apple 17, and that single is also contained here, which is a very rare occurrence. The cases and labels are complete and unaltered, as per the originals, and they make a wonderful extra to these albums. 

One wonders why they could not have been included in the re-boxed sets. They would have made an excellent addition or side dish as Paul likes to call odd examples. If anyone is listening, I have my copies stored safely away

This is a great little set of demos and extras from Apple Records at No 3 Savile Row, and there is still more to have, all in good time too!!

Nigel Pearce

Get Nigel’s Incredible Book about Apple Records