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Cunard Yanks or Radio? How Did The Beatles Get Records?

A question that should be asked, but rarely is asked, is how did The Beatles get records? The story of the “Cunard Yanks” is one that’s grown to mythical proportions in Liverpool and beyond.

The way it’s been told is that sailors from the families of Liverpool musicians brought back American records for the groups to learn. The story is partly true, as many Liverpool families had brothers, fathers, or uncles at sea who returned home with American records before they were released in the UK. In fact, the record that turned John Lennon on to rock ‘n’ roll was an imported “Long Tall Sally,” brought in from Holland.

Radio Luxembourg on the Radio Dial
Radio Luxembourg on the Radio Dial

Find out more here at Culture Sonar

David Bedford

Get David’s Fab One Hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles, to find out the full story.

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Radio London Pirate King Returns


Radio London
Radio London

This massive event occurs on Sunday and Monday 22/23rd December for 6 MASSIVE Hours on both days!!

Radio London 60th Anniversary
Radio London 60th Anniversary

There is romance, memories, nostalgia and above all MASSIVE BEATLES CONTENT to listen out for and remember forever.

The proprietor and owner has taken his own Beatles Leanings to put out a BRILLIANT PROGRAMME. He has also invited Beatles fan, historian and Apple Collector Nigel Pearce, to open his Treasure Chest and play a whole program of Beatles Rarities and rarely heard tracks.!! True paradise indeed !!

Nigel Pearce - Author and Radio Presenter
Nigel Pearce – Author and Radio Presenter

For details of the Frequencies and Timings please go to the BigLRadiolondon website and all will be revealed. 

This will be a huge delight and will be beamed all around the world on Short Wave, AM, and in glorious stereo on the World Wide Web.

This great unique celebration is most definitely not to be missed for all Beatles and ’60s music fans, so put it in your diary and travel back to those times when the Pirates ruled the airwaves!!

Nigel Pearce


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Billy J Kramer – Stories and Music This Sunday!

Billy J Kramer
Billy J Kramer
Billy J Kramer

BILLY J KRAMER – Sunday 15th December on Future Radio 107.8FM


On Sunday 15th December 2024, sees Groove Britain’s Nigel Pearce, Beatles Fan – and author, historian and publisher of Inside Number Three – in a specially recorded conversation with the one and only Billy J Kramer .

Billy talks about his career, Liverpool, and music including his relationship with The Beatles, Brian Epstein, and his new Christmas Record Christmas Kinda Feeling which has entered the vinyl and heritage charts.

“This indeed was a very special interview”, explains Nigel, and, if possible, we will meet at next year’s International Beatles Week Convention in Liverpool!!.

So, tune in to Future Radio on at 3PM UK Time and listen to a wonderful music exclusive!!

Nigel Pearce


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Tell Me Why with David Bedford

Tell Me Why

In the latest episode of “Tell Me Why” with Jude Southerland Kessler, she interviews Beatles historian and author (and creator of the Beatles Bookstore, David Bedford.

Find out more about David’s new book due out in March 24 – The Beatles: What If?

David Bedford on the Tell Me Why podcast

Check out David’s books here:

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Lennon The Mobster & The Lawyer on Tell Me Why Podcast

Tell Me Why podcast
Tell Me Why podcast
TELL ME WHY – “A short, sharp podcast for busy Beatles People in-the-know!”
 “Tell Me Why” on the YouTube Channel
Host: Jude Southerland Kessler – Author of The John Lennon Series  
Producer: Rande M. Kessler

Special Guest – Jay Bergen, author of Lennon, the Mobster & The Lawyer

Jay Bergen
Jay Bergen

Listen to the Interview here:

Don’t forget to register for 10 December John Lennon Focal Points
Free webinar The Beatles Holiday Party
Featuring Co-Host Joe Johnson of Beatle Brunch Radio 
Special Guests – Scott R. McKinley
presentsThe Beatles 1964 Christmas Message!! 

Mark and Carol Lapidos with a preview of the New York Metro Fest for Beatles Fans 

Register Here: A Fab Party!!
Upcoming guests on “Tell Me Why” David Bedford of The Beatles Bookstore, author of Liddypool, The Fab One Hundred and Four, The Country of Liverpool, and more… 
Bill King author of Large Time Editor of Beatlefan magazine  
Scott R. McKinley Narrator and Voice Actor for She Loves You, Vol. 3 in The John Lennon Series
andJay Bergen’s Lennon, the Mobster & the Lawyer
 Remember to visit the John Lennon Series to pre-order a signed, dated, numbered copy of Some Forever Shades of Life, Part Two (Aug. 1965 – March 1966)  Book Release Party March 28-30, 2025 at The New York Metro Fest for Beatles Fans! 

Discover Jude’s Books at The Beatles Bookstore

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The Apple Records Story to be a Radio Series

The ongoing success of Inside No3 continues to make its mark with the Apple Records story going to radio!!

The revolutionary style of this book Inside No3 has shown the mark of Apple Records in a totally different way to many Beatles fans and has now been rewarded with the novel approach undertaken by author Nigel Pearce.

Radio Series

Apple Records - Inside Number Three
Apple Records – Inside Number Three

Inside No 3 has now been commissioned to be turned into a Radio Serial that delves so much deeper into the entire Apple Story. This will cover the entire first 10 years of the label from conception to its closing in 1976. Starting in 1966, the next Ten Years proved to be something that no one cover ever imagine. The ideas and scope of everybody who was involved with the label and the company, have ensured that a huge legacy has not only been left to the world, it continues to provide a “Revolutionary” inspiration to the art and music world, while at the same time still changing social attitudes everywhere.

Number 3 Savile Row
Number 3 Savile Row

The Beatles may have left the world as a group in 1970, but the force and impact of this foursome still continues to grow and strengthen and Apple is a huge part of that. In short, it still lives up to its central theme of being a “Foundation for the Arts”.

Our First Four Set
Our First Four Set

Nigel’s book was indeed a completely different and novel way of showing the impact and direction of this ideal. While the book only shows around 10% of his entire collection, what is shown is in beautiful detail and colour, with the aim of supporting the artist shown to its fullest extent.

Nigel has much more in his archives including demo recordings, memos, photographs as well as every record issued from No 3 Savile Row London W.1,  which at the present time is available for renting .

What's The New Mary Jane
What’s The New Mary Jane

The series is currently in production and is being framed, for release next year along with a launch event to officially announce the series going to airwaves on the UK Radio network. More will be revealed about its scope and content along with its style, but suffice to say this has never been done before, so this is a real radio and music first . It is so exciting to contemplate. Stay tuned,, there is so much more to follow ……

Regards and best wishes

Nigel Pearce

Get Nigel’s Book Now