Any Rhyme At All is written by a first generation Beatles Fan who grew up listening to their music and becoming a huge fan. The book she wanted to share with others was her love for the band and the memories their music have given her.
The book is written in poetry form with each poem having its own hand drawn illustration to help bring life to each poem. It is written in a way that includes memories and what she has learned through the years, yet keeping it simple, and easy reading to appeal to those of any age group.
Also available from our Amazon store

Angela Sayer –
Whether you know very little or a lot about the Beatles I can assure you this is a must read! I learned so much that I never realized about the group with some real insight from a huge fan! This is a MUST HAVE book for anyone that is a! fan of music! Especially the Beatles! The words and poems are so beautiful and well written and the illustrations are fantastic too! Hurry and check it out! Angela Sayer of Grand Rapids, MI.