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Cunard Yanks or Radio? How Did The Beatles Get Records?

A question that should be asked, but rarely is asked, is how did The Beatles get records? The story of the “Cunard Yanks” is one that’s grown to mythical proportions in Liverpool and beyond.

The way it’s been told is that sailors from the families of Liverpool musicians brought back American records for the groups to learn. The story is partly true, as many Liverpool families had brothers, fathers, or uncles at sea who returned home with American records before they were released in the UK. In fact, the record that turned John Lennon on to rock ‘n’ roll was an imported “Long Tall Sally,” brought in from Holland.

Radio Luxembourg on the Radio Dial
Radio Luxembourg on the Radio Dial

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David Bedford

Get David’s Fab One Hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles, to find out the full story.

6 thoughts on “Cunard Yanks or Radio? How Did The Beatles Get Records?

  1. Paul said in Miles’ book that “drive my car” was an old blues phrase he heard. Do you have any idea where he could have heard it, or the title of the Song ? With much appreciation for your reasearch, David.

    1. Thanks David.
      Paul had the melody with some weak generic lyrics which he hated, so he and John tried to come up with something better. No particular song that I know of, though the bass line was “driven” by Otis Redding’s song, “Respect”, which Aretha Franklyn went on to have a huge hit with. So that is probably the song that inspired it more than any other. As you can probably guess, Drive My Car is a good old R&B/ Blues euphemism, like rock n roll.

  2. very interesting read and yes they obtained records from Europe and the USA all vibrant different and electric in feeling. That was the energy that they built on

  3. Get David’s Book “Fab One Hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles.” It is truly both an entertaining and educational experience. David’s forte’ is the ability to get to the core of the matter by finding new and interesting details previously unknown to even very knowledgeable Beatles fans.

    1. Thanks Buzz, that means a lot coming from someone as knowledgeable as you.

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