This is a magazine that I personally did not see widely circulated or distributed when I was growing up. It was only in later years that I was able to scour sources such as Ebay and Abe Books to locate these 4 Beatles-related issues. The most difficult to find of the four issues was the final one listed on this page. It was an article written by the late Ritchie Yorke about the end or dissolution of the Beatles, appearing in the July 1970 issue of Jazz & Pop. I had never been able to secure a copy of this issue before because anyone who had a copy was asking over $150 for the issue. I was fortunate to be able to find a copy for $20 on Abe Books. It pays to have patience as a collector which is a virtue that I often do not have….unfortunately!!!



Jazz & Pop Magazine July 1970 issue–the most difficult issue to find at a reasonable price

Which is your favourite Beatles magazine? The Beatles Monthly? Rolling Stone? Let me know below.
My favorite Beatles magazine is Beatlefan which began in 1978 and is still going strong – published by Bill King in Decatur, GA. I live in the Atlanta area too, but didn’t discover it and begin subscribing until the fall of 1980. Still have every issue and bought their hardback book of the earlier issues I had missed. Highly recommend it for their updates on Paul & Ringo, interviews, etc. Very well-written with no typos or obvious errors like some articles & books I’ve read!
If I go way back, my favourite magazine was the German BRAVO, the NME from England, Rolling Stone and of course Beatles Monthly. Today, my favourite magazines are the English MOJO, the occasional Record Collector and of course the German THINGS (also available in English).
One magazine I recommend is “Furore” by Piet Schreuders. It’s in Dutch, but if you are familiar with German, it won’t be quite as difficult. He has written excellent articles on the Beatles in Holland and John Lennon’s eyeglasses. Now if only his interview on VPRO were transcribed (see Ger Tillekens tantalizing mention of it in his book)