About the Author
Janice Mitchell is a retired federal investigator, a private investigator,
an adjunct professor, and a lifelong Beatles fan. She worked highprofile
capital, criminal, and civil cases in New York City and
international investigations for Rolex, Gucci, Warner Bros., Levi Strauss,
and other trademarks. She now lives in her hometown of Cleveland,
Get her fascinating book now

My Ticket To Ride
How I Ran Away to England to Meet the Beatles and Got Rock and Roll Banned in Cleveland (A True Story from 1964)
A true-adventure coming-of-age tale set in the exhilarating first wave of
Beatlemania. In 1964, 16-year-old Janice escapes a grim foster home in
Cleveland by running away to London to meet the Beatles—and
unwittingly becomes international news. Looks back at an era when
young women exercising control in their lives threatened adult society.