Terry Crain is a rock and roll historian/researcher and Beatles author. He retired with 35 years in the education field (college, secondary, and elementary). His last 31+ years were at John A. Logan College in Carterville, Illinois, where he was the Dean for Student Services, overseeing offices such as Admissions, Financial Aid, Veterans, Tutoring, etc.
His book is titled “NEMS and the Business of Selling Beatles Merchandise in the U.S. 1964-1966”, which is about officially licensed Beatles items in the US between 1964-1966. NEMS was the name of the management company that licensed the amazing fab and gear objects in the sixties. There were approximately 150 items/promotions that were licensed for sale in the U.S at that time. This book will take readers through those items and other interesting side treks surrounding this era. The hardback book is filled with over 600 images that allow readers to enjoy and remember.
Terry also designs Beatle-themed skills for Amazon’s ‘Alexa’ device and Google’s ‘Assistant’. They are “This Week in Beatles History” and “Daily Beatle Facts”, where both give information and trivia about the band.
He also teaches online classes through his ‘faBgear education’ site through the TeachAble website. The classes are “Route 66”, “The Beatles” and one on “The History of Rock and Roll.” httpss://fabgear-company.teachable.com
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FACEBOOK httpss://www.facebook.com/NEMSenterprisesLTD/