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was Paul Dead? eyewitness cuts to the truth

A Paul Is Dead Clue?
A Clue to the Paul is Dead Mystery
A Clue to the Paul is Dead Mystery

A Hair-Raising Experience?

An article  published on September 1969 in the Times Delphic by Tim Harper which was a student newspaper suggested that Paul McCartney suffered a road accident in his Aston Martin in November 1966.

Well it just so happens that I first cut McCartney’s hair in September 1966 and for some reason Jane Asher (girlfriend and living with him) and Three other Beatles had kept the secret to themselves mmm.

When you cut a client’s hair you will see how the hair falls especially on the forehead and its like a fingerprint and if it was an imposter I would have known.

I was asked by a American radio station how I could be sure if it was Paul!

I told them that when I last cut his hair it fell in the same place and if it was a William (Billy Shears) Campbell I would of known.

When I was asked to go to Paul’s house again to cut his hair I checked to see how his hair fell across his forehead just in case. Paul asked what I was doing  and I said “Just checking if your dead or alive”. “So what’s the verdict ?” he asked.

“Im delighted to confirm that you are the one and only Paul McCartney”

 We both started laughing and he said “Thanks I’m relieved to hear it”


Happy birthday Paul.

Leslie Cavendish

Get this and so many other great stories in Leslie’s book, The Cutting Edge